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Blaze followed me to a rock wall that I knew lead to a bunch of rocks far from a kingdom I had seen from afar. "Come on!" I smiled and swam up. "WAIT KNUCKLINA!" She hollered but I just smiled and rose out of the water. The breeze felt amazing on my face once more and I smile seeing my strange blue seabird friend. "Sooooonic!" I hollered making the looking glass bounce in his feather hands before looking at it. "Welllll if it isn't the mermaid from down under!!! Knucklina how ya doing sweetie?!" He drops it and jumps back making me laugh because I wasn't a far swim from him. "Damn what a swim" he said then his feathers puffed up when Blaze came up. "Knucklina what the hell are you thinking?" She hiss. "Brought a friend with you this time?" Sonic asked and Blaze looks at me. "This time?!" She said in shock. "Yes now calm down. Anyways sonic I'm very curious of what this is?" I pulled out the item and his eyes lit up. "Oh this is special!" He takes it from me and looks at it more. "What is it?" "It's a hobbletuner." He said and I was very curious while Blaze was nervous. "Well the history of these dates back when the world was quiet and boring. So they made things like the hobbletuner to make sounds that turn into music. Allow me to demonstrate." He said and blows into it but nothing but sand and seaweed come popping out. I giggle shaking my head. "Here I'll clean it out then bring it back to you" I said and he coughs after getting some sand in his mouth handing it to me. "Great we know what it is now can we go?" Blaze said. "Hang on I got another thing I'm curious about." I said but before I could the waves started to feel different. "A Mobian ship is coming you need to leave now" Sonic said and we dove under after I waved goodbye and thanked him. We returned back to the castle and I started to clean out the Hobbletuner completely loosing tract of time. Even with reminders from my sister i was more focused on my other finds and was cleaning them. It wasn't until I finally looked up and realized what time it was. "Oh no!" I said and swam up to get ready but once i opened the door my father floated there with anger. "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?!" He yelled. "Daddy I'm sorry I lost track—" "YOUR SISTER HAS CAME AND REMINDED YOU MULTIPLE TIMES YET YOU ARE AN HOUR LATE!!!!" He said and saw my stuff I was cleaning. "If you are late because of your collection then I will forbid you from it!" He said and my heart sank. "I'm sorry daddy...." I said looking down and he sighed. "Well I hope so because you gotten your wish I done sent our guest home. Good night" he said and swam away.
Later on as I slept i was woken up by a strange noise. I notice my bag was on the ground which made me curious. Yet something caught the corner of my eye. A strange light. I look up from my window and saw lights dancing around a large shape. I know my father was asleep so I snuck out of the castle to investigate. Once I rose up it was a ship. Not one that was sunk but one that was actually floating. The sky was lit up by the colorful lights with a loud sound I never heard before. I swam closer to the ship and climbed up with my upper strength. There was a small window giving me a good glance. I couldn't believe it mobians this close! They were dancing, laughing, talking enjoying a fun party. Then I saw him approached with a yellow fox. He was a black and teal hedgehog with the most beautiful blueish green eyes. His white muzzle parts when he smiled and it made my heart race. "Attention everyone I would like to thank you all for being the crew of this ship given to our beloved prince Mephiles as a very expensive early birthday gift." The fox said. "Even though I hope it would be a wedding present" "Tails I'm sorry that I did not fall for the princess of Starlight she just wasn't the one" he said in a voice that was so smooth and beautiful. I knew it in my heart I was falling in love with him.

"No no no she's mine you mobian!!!"

"Well still my pr—" "HURRICANE IS COMING!!!!" Yelled a crew mate and I turn seeing heavy clouds. "Oh no...." I said and dove back under. Yet I soon heard a loud boom and saw the ship was on fire from what I could tell from underneath. As I went back up to see I heard a splash and saw him sinking. My heart couldn't let him die so I went to his aid and grabbed him. I swam him back to the surface and held on to him despite the heavy waves hitting us. Soon I came to the shore of the kingdom I known of and managed to get him on shore just as the storm passed. That has to be the strangest storm I ever seen. My heart raced realizing how close I was to him and I could hear him breathing. The tip of my finger brushed against his pale pink lips and they felt soft. "Mephiles?!" I heard someone yell out. He started to wake and I managed to get back into the sea and swam home.
"Oh thank god you're ok!" Tails said helping him up. Mephlies shook his head remembering a female figure but couldn't make her out.

"A girl... she saved me..."

The prince and the mermaid Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora