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I speed to the playground set. The only thing there was the broken flashlight and a radio.

I pick up the radio. "Erica?"

No response.

I look around the area. It was dark- I could barely see the house.

"Erica!" I shout into the dark.

The radio crackles by my side. "Rocky?"


"Rocky.. something's wrong."

I feel a bead of sweat fall from my temple. "Like?"

"The other team isn't responding. Billy can't keep the bats off much longer- he looks like he's about to pass out."

I could cry from frustration and stress. I hold the back of my hand to my head since I was still holding my gun.

"Did Erica say anything to you?"

"Erica? No. Why? Where's Erica?"

I pace a few steps. Plan.. plan.. think Racquel, think! This is why Nancy was the brains of our friendship.

"You, Billy, and Eddie get out of there. Billy can rest up and you can protect the gate."

"What about Steve and the girls?"

"I'll go to Watergate and find them. The bats will be at Eddie's gate, so that one should be clear."

"And Max?"

"I got it," I promise.

I clip the radio on my belt and look up at the attic.

"Lucas!" I scream. "Lucas! Now!"

I continue running around the area in search of Erica. Where the hell did she go? She wouldn't drop a mission out of nowhere. She was smarter than that.


The hairs on the back of my neck stand up at the panic in Erica's voice.

I push myself faster in the direction I heard her.


I spot someone kneeling on the ground. They were struggling, though.


"Rocky!" Erica screams from under the guy.

A guy was holding Erica down- her face on the ground.

I don't remember pulling my gun up and firing.

The guy screams in pain and clutches his shoulder. Erica rolls to the side and kicks him in the balls.

"Erica!" I gasp and help her stand.

"Cracker bitches found us!" she spits and looks at the guy. "Jason went after Lucas. Did you see-"

Erica is cut off when another gunshot sounds through the air. Confused, I look down at my gun, but it definitely didn't come from me.

"They.. They were at the shop.. Jason has a gun.. He went.." Erica panics.

"Mother fucker!" I hiss and begin to run back into the house.

"What about him?" Erica asks, motioning to the jock that was still writing in pain on the ground.

If Jason had a gun and went after Lucas.. That meant he saw Max's condition. The gun fired. Something was wrong.

I stomp angrily toward the other guy.

"No! No! Please- please!" he cries out.

I flick my hair to the side and straddle the guy, pulling him up by his stupid letterman jacket. I draw my fist back and slam my knuckles straight between his eyes. He falls back to the ground, unconscious.

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now