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Steve hops onto the rope and climbs through. Just when the gravity shifts, he flips around and lands on his feet- in the Upside Down.

"What does he want us to do? Applaud?" Robin sarcastically asks.

Nancy lowers my hands to my side where I was already readying myself to do that exact motion.

Billy takes off his backpack and hands it to Eddie.

"Hey," I call before he climbs the rope.

Billy releases one hand from the rope and looks at me. I step onto the mattress and into his arms- connecting our lips with ease. Billy's free hand rests on my lower back.

"Be safe," I beg, a hushed whisper against his lips.

"You, too," he returns, knocking his nose against mine. "I love you."

I reach up and caress his cheek for a moment. "I love you."

Billy squeezes my side and I step off the mattress. Anxiety eats away at my bones as Billy climbs the rope, falling to his feet by Steve's side. Then, Billy and Steve disappear to go get the mattress.

I shakily exhale and bring Dustin into my arms for comfort. He doesn't argue as I stand behind him with my arms wrapped around him. He was just as tense, but didn't want it to show.

"All right," Steve calls once he and Billy toss the mattress on the floor. "Let's go."

Robin drops to one knee and allows Nancy to step on her leg, getting leverage to pull herself up the rope. Once Nancy is through, Steve gives her a hand up. I smile to myself at their close proximity before shaking my head and grabbing the supplies.

"Watch your heads!" Eddie shouts.

Billy steps aside just as Eddie throws a bag into the gate. It bounces against the mattress and Billy picks it up.

We set into motion, tossing the bags and weapons through the gate for the others to grab. Eddie begins to climb the rope and I place my hand on Dustin's shoulder.

"You're the brains in this. Don't forget that," I remind him. "Be safe."

"I'm the brains?" he repeats.

"We're following your lead here, bud." I pat the top of his head.

"Rocky?" Robin calls.

I bend down to press a gentle kiss on Dustin's forehead. Then, I kneel on one knee to give Robin a boost up the rope.

"Come back in one, living piece," I tell Robin.

"Will do. You do the same, bird."

I exhale sharply when Robin's back hits the mattress on the other side.

"Come on, Dustin," I urge.

Dustin grabs the rope with one hand and my hand with the other. He steps on my knee and hops up a little. I cradle his foot and stand, helping him climb the rope with more ease than before. I flinch when he hits the mattress and Steve and Eddie pull him up to his feet.

"We're gonna test out Billy's mind power first," Steve informs. "We'll be back in a second."

Steve, Billy, Dustin, and Nancy step outside the trailer.

I bounce nervously on my heels before picking up the spears and final two bags- tossing them through the gate to Robin and Eddie.

After a few minutes, the others still haven't returned.

"Did they leave us behind?" Eddie suspects.

"Forget this," I huff under my breath.

"The others said you're not allowed to come in here!" Dustin shouts as I pull on the rope.

"When have I ever listened to Billy, Nancy, and God forbid- Steve?" 

The door slams open and Eddie screams as he ducks in alarm. A dead bat flies through over him and splats against the wall.

I pause my movements on the rope and just stare up at the gate. Steve is the first one I see. He walks into my view holding a dead bat by the tail.

"Steve?" I question.

"So.. Billy can control the bats," Steve says.

I sigh in relief and hop back down, bouncing on the mattress. 

Billy, Nancy, and Robin come into view. I hated how exhausted Billy already looked. His demeanor had changed completely.

"Holy shit!" Dustin cheers and takes the dead bat from Steve. "He's Kas!"

"Who?" Nancy asks then shakes her head. "We don't have time. We need to move now."

"You good?" Steve asks me.

I pull the flashlight out from my back pocket. "Right behind you."

"Wait.. look!" Robin gasps.

She steps forward and mirrors the way I was standing. I begin to ask her what she was doing before she reaches out like I was, the same area I was holding the flashlight. I jump in surprise when the flashlight suddenly glows.

"Whoa!" Dustin awes with a giggle.

"Okay, let's go before I puke my guts out," I hurry. "This whole other dimension shit is really giving me motion sickness."

"All right. Everyone stay safe and stick to the plan," Nancy reminds.

Billy and I catch each other's eyes. We trade a nod and then I jump off the mattress and out of Eddie's trailer. I stand by the porch and wait.. then, the light turns on by itself.

"All right," I breathe in relief. "Let's go, guys."

I take a step forward and test out the motion. The light dims, then brightens again. I could almost see Steve, Nancy, and Robin keeping up with my movements- that golden glitter we'd seen before.

"I've never felt so alone yet stalked," I comment.

The light goes out and flashes twice before settling again. Like they were laughing at me.

I continue walking forward. "Awesome. I can talk and you guys can't say shit. This is great."

The light goes out.

"Steve, I swear to God. Now's not the time to play games!" I shout- I probably looked like a maniac.

The light flashes suddenly and then turns on a constant.

"Robin, did you shove Steve?" I suspect.

The light flashes a few times in confirmation.

The light flashes a few times in confirmation

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