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Well, see.. Now that Robin mentioned it, how could I not go to the pool?

The pool was actually the last place I was at in Hawkins before heading to summer camp.

"No, shit," someone comments. "Racquel Harrington."

I look at Elaine with a disgusted face. "Gross. No, Harrington. It's so.. white. Besides, it's not even a legal adoption. I'm basically the Harrington pet."

She giggles and jogs over, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Dude, the head counselors took away the phones," I complain. "It was such bullshit."

When I first met Elaine at a side job after I left the shop with Joyce, I was certain she was a long-lost Sinclair relative. She looked like an older Erica and that scared me at first because Erica was big-mouthed and sassy.

As I joked, Elaine was the Robin to my Steve. The difference is we had, what Elaine liked to call, 'flavor'.

"You're not gonna believe this.. So, do you remember me telling you about Eddie Munson a few months ago?"

"Eddie.. Eddie.." I tilt my head. "The guitar dude that sold me weed on New Years?"

"Yes!" she claps. "So, he failed again. He's gotta repeat again."

"Oh, shit," I gasp lightly. "That means I'll see him around once I get in classes. We should be in the same building."

She gasps, bigger than mine. "You got your credits?"

"I'm just a couple of years away from a high school diploma," I pump my fist in the air.

"Holy shit!" she squeals and pulls me into another big hug.

I couldn't help but laugh and hug her back. I couldn't ignore how happy I was, too.

I dropped out of fifth grade. That was a known fact to all of my friends. But, thanks to Steve's parents, they helped me get some leverage. All I had to do was bust my ass at different side jobs to get enough credits to cover middle school. Then, Mr. Harrington was able to get a bit of high school credit.

Originally, I was going to just complete the twelfth grade and have it over with. But, like I told Steve, the summer camp job was repetitive and I wanted to come home.

But.. that didn't mean I couldn't still earn credits.

"Did you get my letter about jobs around Hawkins?" I ask.

"I did. I've been on the lookout, but no one is hiring girls without a high school diploma."

I stomp my feet a few times as Elaine drags me to the seat she had spared. We sit there together and she hands me a water bottle. I take off my shirt and shorts as I had my bathing suit on underneath.


I turn to see who called me. "Oh, hey there Mrs. Wheeler."

"Hello, dear," she smiles. "Aren't you back early? Is Dustin with you? Because Mike and the others have this big coming home party planned for him."

"No, Dustin is still at camp," I assure her. "I came back early alone."

"Okay, good. I was worried all their hard work was going to be spoiled," she says, holding a hand to her heart.

"He'll be back in a couple of weeks. Same day as we figured."

She nods and looks out to the pool. "Dear, could you watch Holly for a quick moment while I run to the bathroom?"

I look around the pool, easily spotting Holly in the kids' section. "Of course."

"Thank you, doll." Mrs. Wheeler pats my arm and walks away.

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now