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"So, what do you think caused it?" Jonathan asks.

"I think it is their bond," El reveals.

"Bond?" Max repeats with a frown.

"It is how Mike sensed me when I looked for him."

"Billy did the same," Lucas reminds. "He sensed you before."

"But, Billy is flayed. Mike is not and he still sensed me."

I run my hand over my mouth. My head was beginning to hurt.

"Maybe because Billy and Racquel have a bond, she can give me strength in finding him," El explains. "And to figure out where he's been."

"Wait.." Mike mutters. "No.. El, no."

"What?" I ask.

"My Mama.. I went into her head before," El reveals.

"Like.. that trance thing except in someone?"

"Yes. And I was able to see her past."

"So.. If you go into Racquel's head, maybe you can get through to Billy's," Nancy figures it out first.

"What, like.. go in.. my head?" I repeat nervously.

I had a lot of shit in my head. Most of that shit was only known by one person- Billy.

"If you and Billy's bond is strong enough, I can navigate through your head and into his."

"Like I'm a bridge?" I ask.

"Exactly. Then, I can jump between the two of you."

"Will that even work?" Lucas wonders.

"It worked a little already. It's how I found him to begin with," El says.

"So.. test subject dummy to see if it'll work?" I ask, looking around the group. "Any guinea pigs?"

"You are the guinea pig, Rocky," Will reminds.

"This could be dangerous," Mike speaks up. "El, you've only went into someone's head once. Using someone to jump to another.. that's new."

Billy was the only one to know the things I've been through. The things I've done. Was I prepared to let El, literally, inside my head?

Billy. This was for Billy's safety and the lives of all the Flayed people.

"I'll do it," I clear my throat.

"Rocky," Max scolds.

"If this helps us figure out where the source is and how to get the Mind Flayer out of all those people, I have to try."

El and I sit on the floor as Jonathan turns the TV on for the static. I wring my hands out as Mike and El whisper to each other.

"Hey," Nancy calls, grabbing my shoulder. "If you feel weird or bad or.. anything.. you let us know and El will stop."

"I have to do this, Nance," I remind.

"I know. But.. don't push it, okay?"

I smile a little and Nancy and I trade a quick but strong hug.

Mike moves aside and I sit down beside Eleven.

"Here," she pats her lap.

I lay down with my head in her lap.

"You ready?" El asks.

Please let this work.

"Ready," I confirm.

El puts her blindfold on and I once again guide her hands to both sides of my face before closing my eyes.

I suddenly become aware that El is inside my head.

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن