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I found a job that day. It was pretty easy. The man simply said that he only had himself and another worker running the whole store, so.. 'why not?'.

My co-worker was cool. I got to meet her and she gave me the rundown of the store. Joyce was her name.

Right now, the shop held Halloween decorations and costumes. It was fun to goof off around the shop with Joyce, though.

"Merry Hallow-Birth," I tell Max.

"What's this?" she asks, picking up the mask.

"Some serial killer costume. Saw it at work and thought you'd appreciate it."

"You got paid?" Billy asks.

I reach into my pocket and hold out a wad of cash. "My living expenses, Your Majesty."

"Neil should be home in a couple of hours. Where we going for the day?" Billy asks.

"I'm going to the park," Max says. "I don't need you to pick me up. You go to your party."

Billy sighs in relief that he didn't have to babysit.

I frown a little.

"Come on, Roc. Get dressed," Billy urges.

"Dressed?" I repeat.

"We're going to a party."

"A high school party?" I clarify.

"I mean.. yeah."

I look at Max who was still staring at the mask.

"I'll come by after I stop by in a while. I'm gonna take a nap before Neil gets home," I lie.

Billy plucks a notepad and pen from the shelf and scribbles an address before handing it to me. "This is the place."

"You're going now?" I ask. "You don't even have a Halloween costume."

"Dork," he pops my head with the notebook. "Later."

Billy leaves and I look down at Max. She was still silent and eyeing the costume.

"You wanna go trick or treating?" I ask her.

Max's head snaps up to look at me. "What?"

"You got a rad costume. It'd be a shame to waste it and not wear it."

"I don't have a ride."

"I'll walk you there. Then.. how about at nine, I'll pick you up at the same place and we'll walk together?"

"You'd do that?"

I smile and lean on the table. "Anything to not spend more time at a high school party filled with drunk shitheads."

Max bites her bottom lip. But, it wasn't strong enough as her face breaks out into a smile. She leaps from her chair.

"I'm gonna get dressed!" she calls, running down the hall.

"Take your time!"

She suddenly pauses and peers around the wall.

"Are you.. gonna tell.."

"Billy doesn't need to know a thing," I promise, making an X around my heart.

Max smiles again and dashes through the house.


"Have you seen the Halloween movies?" Max wonders- her voice muffled by the mask.

I take one of the cigarettes Billy gave me out and light it- shaking my head in denial. "No. I just know it's about some dude going crazy and killing bitches."

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now