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Vecna's body hits full force into mine.

We both burst through the door of the steelworks building.

I gag from the force and drag myself to my feet.

We were inside. My plan worked.

Now.. for every second I keep Vecna distracted, Max is not the target.

I couldn't help but wildly scan the building.

"Billy?" I ask, running backward as I pull my gun out.

"Is that why you have come?" Vecna asks.

I point my gun at him.

"You said some shit, so I figured I'd check it out.." I breathe. "It's not like I'm scared of you, anyway."

That was a lie. I was terrified.

"I thought your precious Maxine would be easier," he admits. "She had.. so much guilt.. pain."

I squint. How dare this piece of shit speak her name?

"You know.. she is the one that prayed for something to take your beloved Billy away."

Mind games. Don't fall for it, Racquel.

And even if it was true.. Billy and Max didn't have the best relationship and Max was still a child. I'm sure I had thoughts just like those growing up without truly meaning it.

"Then, when I gave her that.. she prayed for something to take her away."

"You took him away?" I clarify.

"But, you seem to want out of your misery more. Max.. she is numb. You, though.. you feel everything. Every loss. Every pain. Every second."

I just wanted to know the truth already.

Paranoia and optimism weren't nice things to feel in tandem.

It's like my anxiety wouldn't allow for me to be excited. 

"Is he alive or not?" I demand, cocking my gun.

Vecna takes a step forward. I fire the gun endlessly, hitting him in the chest and neck over and over again with the pistol's bullets.

He was on his knees. The gun clicks.

I grab my spare bullets.

Before I could load them, Vecna takes a deep inhale through his nose.

I scramble to load the gun. Vecna waves his hand. A scream rips from my throat as I fly through the air, back slamming against a pole in the middle of the building.

"Since you're here.. I'll come back for you," Vecna decides.

A strangled noise releases from my mouth as I roll onto my stomach. My hands blindly search for the bullets I dropped when he flung me across the room.

Through the pain, I pull myself to my knees.

Vecna was gone.

I lean forward, clutching my stomach and sides.

"Not fair.." I pant. "Twelve.. gunshots.. and you walk away?"

I groan and use the pole to get to my feet.

"And you flick your wrist and put me almost out.." I talk to nothing. "Bitch."

It probably wasn't smart to still talk shit while in Vecna's territory.

I lean against the pole and put my hands on my knees as I fight to catch my breath.

Why did he leave?

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now