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april 12;
1 year, 11 months and 25 days since scott's party

Y/N TURNED TO SCOTT AND tried to put her hand on his wound in an attempt to apply pressure, as Scott's hand seemed to be weakening, but Stiles stood up and pulled her hands away.


"He's going to die!" Y/N snapped and Scott's eyes shot open at her louder tone.

Stiles just stared back. Y/N frowned.

"Could you at least get me a glass of water or something if I have to stay here and watch my friend bleed out?" Y/N asked and Stiles didn't answer. She knew he was smart and she worried that maybe he would work out what she was trying to do.

Stiles stood up and walked out of the room, most likely to where the kitchen was.

Y/N glanced at Allison, who was standing by the door and looking out the window. So Y/N took that as an opportunity to swipe the phone from the table and slip it into her jacket pocket.

Stiles came back with a plastic cup of water and Y/N quickly drank it all.

While it was partially an act, all the running had also made her pretty thirsty.

Scott's eyes were fluttering open and shut, and Y/N shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Nothing was happening. They were all just sitting there.

"So what do you want with us, Stiles?" Y/N asked. "Are you gonna kill me this time?"

He chuckled. "Of course not. I told you I would never let anybody hurt you."

"Right, but then you were the one who hurt me."

"I didn't even touch—"

"You didn't hurt me physically, Stiles." She frowned. "You literally murdered my friends and family, broke my heart and then just expect me to get over it and... what? Be all happy and still in love with you?"

"Are you still in love with me?"


Stiles frowned and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

Dead, painful silence followed for a moment.

Y/N and Scott were just sitting in a room with two serial killers and had no way of leaving.

"So you've been hiding out here, Stiles?" Y/N asked. He nodded with a raised eyebrow. "How the hell did you get an apartment without being, like, caught by the cops?"

"I killed the landlord."

Y/N felt sick at how calm he sounded. Like that was a normal everyday event.

"I need to pee." She deadpanned to Stiles. "Where's the bathroom?"

"My bedroom." He smiled. "The room you were in before."

She nodded and slowly stood up.

It honestly freaked her out how Stiles was just letting her walk around the house as if he didn't kidnap her.

She walked down the hallway and found the room she had been in before, soon after finding the bathroom.

She hurried inside, locked the door and sat on top of the toilet, pulling the phone out of her pocket quickly.

She immediately called 911, despite having no clue where she was.

As the call started to go through, Y/N tried looking out of the bathroom window to see if she could find any familiar locations.

Right across the street was her dorm building.

He had been that close the entire time.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, my name's Y/N L/N and my friend Scott and I have been kidnapped by Stiles Stilinski the serial killer—" She frantically spewed out words. "Um, Scott's been stabbed and he's bleeding out, we're in an apartment building across from Windsor college, I'm not exactly sure where... Um... We need cops and an ambulance and..."

She paused, taking a deep breath as the operator told her to slow down.

"Where in the apartment are you right now?"

"I'm in the bathroom. I took Allison's phone." Y/N gasped out in tears.


"Allison Argent, she's been helping Stiles with the killings around Windsor college lately." She explained. "Please hurry."

Banging on the bathroom door made Y/N gasp.

"I know you have my phone, Y/N!" Allison's voice came through the door. "Get the fuck out here before I break down the door."

Y/N sniffled and carefully sat the phone on the edge of the sink.

"I'd like to see you try, Argent." Y/N challenged and the banging got louder and harder.

In one swift movement, despite shaking, she unlocked the bathroom door and jumped out of the way as Allison came flying in and landed on the dirty tile.

"You bitch!" She spat, adjusting the blade in her hand and swinging the knife at Y/N.

Y/N ducked out of the way and Allison ran into the wall. The knife clattered onto the ground and Y/N quickly grabbed for it.

"Hey!" Allison yelled and Y/N, in a panic, quickly dug the blade into the other girl's shoulder.

Allison groaned in pain, but tried to grab the knife for herself. Y/N pulled the knife out and stood up, running into the bedroom.

Allison ran after her and tackled Y/N to the ground.

"Get off!" Y/N screamed as Allison pulled her hair in an attempt to win the knife.

Y/N, while frantically trying to push Allison off, stabbed the knife right into Allison's chest.

Allison made an annoyed face before coughing out blood all over Y/N's face.

"Oh, fuck!" Y/N pushed Allison off with all her force and she dropped limply on the ground.

Y/N pulled the knife from Allison's chest and watched in fear as she bled out all over the carpet.

"Did she hurt you, baby?" Stiles asked and Y/N jumped, turning around to see the boy in the doorway and rushing over to her.

Y/N was frozen in shock. She just killed Allison.

Scrambling to her feet, Y/N ran out of the room.

"Y/N! Stop running!" Stiles yelled after her, but she was already in the living room, lifting Scott up and heading for the front door.

Scott was hanging over her left arm and she had the knife gripped right in her right hand.

As she pulled the door open, Stiles started running down the apartment hallway.

"Shit, shit, shit." Y/N muttered as she ran for the elevator rather than the stairs this time.

The elevator doors closed just as Stiles made it to them, creating a safe barrier for the meantime.

Y/N helped Scott lie on the ground and sighed, dropping down beside him.

"How're you doing, Scotty?"

"Terrible." He winced. "Did you kill Allison?"

"Yeah." She felt horrible and sick saying that. "Sorry."

"No, it's good." Scott grabbed Y/N's hand and squeezed it. "She was crazy."

As they neared the ground floor, Y/N stood up again and tried helping Scott up.

The doors opened and they were met with the grinning face of Stiles Stilinski.



YOU DESERVE AN OSCAR; teen wolf scream au (BOOK TWO)Where stories live. Discover now