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april 9th;
1 year, 11 months and 22 days since scott's party

"OH, THAT'S SO FUCKED." SCOTT made a face and covered his mouth with his hand. "Jesus."

Y/N and Cora had gone to his dorm the next morning, both Isaac and Allison had stayed there the night before because their dorms were crime scenes.

Aiden didn't seem to like it. He was sat on his bed in the corner, headphones in and staring at the blank wall in front of him.

He was going through a lot.

"Yeah. The cop who was talking to Y/N last night told us." Cora mumbled. The two were telling Scott, Isaac and Allison about exactly what happened to Erica. "He basically said they only ruled out suicide because she had a stab wound."

"Guys, what if one of you guys are next?" Y/N looked around between her friends. "What if one of you guys is the next to..."

"If that's the case, you should all get out." Aiden muttered.

"Oh, come on, dude." Scott frowned. "That's not fair."

"You know what else isn't fair? Your little friend murdering my brother." Aiden stood up and grabbed his bag. "I'm going to class."

"Your class doesn't start for an hour."'

"Still going."

Aiden practically stormed out of the room.

"Wait, so if you're supposed to get bodyguards or whatever... where are they?" Isaac asked and Y/N pointed to the dormitory door.

"Just outside." She said. "Cora managed to get them to wait out there while we talked."

"Plus it's a tiny dorm." Cora shrugged. "I was doing everyone a favour."


JUST A FEW HOURS LATER, Scott and Isaac were sitting at lunch together.

"Okay, so, if it wasn't Stiles who attacked Y/N last night, it means there's another... one." Isaac chewed one of his fries. "Another killer."

"Like Theo?" Scott asked.

"Exactly. Except it can't be Theo, because Theo's insides were on the outside thanks to him." Isaac shuddered. "Anyway, Scott, I think we need to discuss suspects."


"Yes, suspects." Isaac frowned. "Dude, Boyd and Erica are fucking dead. I don't want that to happen to any more of my friends. Not after Beacon Hills."

"Okay... so do you have any ideas? Possible suspects?" Scott asked, opening his can of Coke.

"Well, really, everybody's a suspect." Isaac took a moment to eat a few more fries. "But--"

"Wait, everybody?"

"Yeah, everybody."

"Even Y/N?"


"Even us?"

"Okay, Scott." Isaac sighed. "Chill out and let me talk."

"Yeah, sure." Scott crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"Well, obviously I have a few possible suspects."

YOU DESERVE AN OSCAR; teen wolf scream au (BOOK TWO)Where stories live. Discover now