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march 20th;
1 year, 11 months and 2 days since scott's party.

"THAT MOVIE WAS CREEPY AS fuck." Danny shuddered.

"It wasn't that bad." His boyfriend, Ethan, replied.

"Yeah, but the true story shit? Gets me every time."

Ethan chuckled and bumped Danny with his arm. The two were walking back to Danny's dorm after seeing the new movie 'Stab' based on events that took place in Beacon Hills almost two years earlier.

It was cold, both boys wrapped in their jackets as the wind blew around them.

"Doesn't the main girl go to our school?" Danny asked Ethan as they turned a corner. "Y/N?"

"Yeah. And those other guys, Scott and Isaac. Isaac's in one of my classes." Ethan answered. "And Scott is Aiden's roommate."

"It's so creepy to think about." Danny mumbled. "How they were almost murdered."

"Yeah, I guess that's why they moved here." Ethan shrugged. He then took Danny's hand in his as they walked down a more populated street.

They weaved through the crowds, doing their best not to bump into anyone.

"Oh, sorry." Danny apologized after bumping into someone in a dark cloak, his hand slipping from Ethan's. The figure turned their head and Danny caught a glance of the ghost mask they wore.

After walking further down the sidewalk, Danny turned to his boyfriend. Ethan was gone.

"Ethan?" Danny spun around a few times, searching the crowd. "Ethan? Where'd you go?"

Danny kept on walking. He passed lots of people in the crowd, but no Ethan.

"Ethan, this is so fucking creepy." Danny spoke to himself.

"What is?"

"Jesus, Ethan!" Danny paused at the voice. The boy standing beside him wasn't Ethan. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else."

The guy chuckled. "Don't worry about it."

Danny furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the guy's face. "Hey, do I know you from somewhere?"

While he played it off, the other boy's face visibly paled. "Probably just have one of those faces."

Danny nodded. "Um, have you seen my boyfriend? He was just here."

"Nope. Sorry."

Danny turned around and started walking back towards where he had last seen Ethan.

"Hey, do you need me to help you find him?" The guy offered and Danny sighed.

"Yeah, that would be great."

While walking with some random guy made Danny feel uncomfortable, he really wanted to find Ethan.

Danny turned the corner and ended up back down the empty street he had been with Ethan just moments earlier.

"Ethan?" Danny called out, taking a few steps further down the sidewalk. "Eth? Ethan?"

He didn't get a response. Danny turned around, looking for the guy who was helping him, but he was gone.

"Shit." Danny muttered. He wanted to leave, an unsteady feeling taking over his whole body, but he couldn't leave Ethan. "Oh, come on."

"What's the matter, Danny?" A voice spoke behind him. He knew it wasn't Ethan, but he turned around anyway.

No one was there.

"Fuck this." He quickly walked forward, rushing. "Ethan, where the fuck are you?"

Danny's shoulder then stung in pain, and he yelled out. He dropped to the ground, gripping his shoulder.

He looked up a little to see Ethan lying on the ground beside a dumpster, blood soaking his clothes and covering his face.

His eyes were open, but they stared blankly. There was no life behind them.

Turning around, Danny looked up to see the guy who had been 'helping' him before. It clicked why the guy looked so familiar.

"Sorry, Danny." Stiles crouched down beside him, the grin on his face showed he wasn't really sorry. "Your boyfriend wouldn't tell me, but did you say Y/N goes to your school?"

Danny's breath hitched in his throat as he tries crawling back. He could try to ignore the pain in his shoulder and just run if he wanted.

Stiles raised his eyebrows. "Are you not gonna tell me either?" He stood up properly and followed Danny who frantically pushed his body backwards. "That's a shame--"

"She does! She goes to my school." Danny cried out, feeling guilty for telling Stiles, but he wanted to get out of the situation. "And Scott, Isaac, those guys."

"And what school is that exactly?" Stiles questioned.

"Windsor College. Just please don't kill me." Danny cried out.

Stiles nodded and stopped walking. "You have been helpful..."

Then he started laughing.

"Wha--" Danny was cut off by himself when Stiles launched at him.

Danny tried yelling out, but Stiles covered his mouth with a gloved hand and pushed him facedown on the ground, climbing on top of him.

"Shh." He whispered, the tone of his voice teasing, dragging the knife along Danny's back. "You'll get me in trouble."

Danny's tears dripped down his face, onto Stiles' glove, as he tried to beg for his life. All Stiles could hear, not that he would change his actions if he could hear properly, were muffled cries and yells.

Stiles rolled Danny over so he was lying on his back.

"You should say hi to Ethan for me." He smirked before lodging his knife into Danny's chest. Once. Twice. Three times.

Over and over again, quickly and violently, true Stiles Stilinski fashion.

Stiles removed his hand from Danny's mouth to keep teo hands on the knife handle as he plunged it deep into Danny's chest again.

Danny was coughing and spluttering blood.

Not even an hour earlier he was watching a horror movie with his boyfriend, and now he was about to be killed by the same guy from the said film.

Danny turned his head. He didn't want the last thing he saw to be the man who was killing him. He turned and looked at Ethan.

Then his breathing stopped with his heartbeat.

Stiles stood up and brushed himself off, groaning at the sight of blood staining his blue flannel.

"God, this is gonna take forever to get out." He rolled his eyes and kicked the arm of Danny's freshly-dead body. "Thanks a lot, buddy."

Stiles took off the flannel and walked down the street, turning a corner just as a high-pitched scream rang through the road.

He chuckled to himself and picked up the backpack he had left in the alleyway. He shoved the bloody flannel inside and pulled out a new jacket, slipping it on and ducking away before anyone could notice he had even been nearby.

Now he knew exactly where to find exactly what he wanted. Exactly who he wanted.

Y/N was at Windsor College.

YOU DESERVE AN OSCAR; teen wolf scream au (BOOK TWO)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora