Season 2 'Movie night'

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Lip,Mandy,Malia and ian walked through the dark streets of the south-side,while talking about Lip's fight and how much money they made.

Mandy had started hanging out with Lip a few weeks ago so now the two Milkovich siblings both tagged along with the two gallagher boys.

"How the hell did that that little guy kick Kurt fucking Landis' ass?" Mandy asked.
"We make anything on my fight?" Lip asked and ian shook his head and placed his arm over Malia's shoulders.

"Nah,nobody wanted the odds" ian replied
"What'd you guys put down?" Lip asked and Malia looked up at ian.
"What,on the fight you lost?" Malia teased
"Nada.Fraternal loyalty doesn't extend to stupidity,bud" ian told Lip who pretended to square up to his brother.

"So uh,mickey's out soon? Yeah?" Lip asked and Malia nodded.
"In the next few days,whenever we get the call" Malia replied
"If he doesn't stab anybody else" Mandy added and Malia rolled her eyes.

"It was a plastic fork.Barely broke the kid's skin,but it bought him another 30 days" Malia explained.
"You gotta be looking forward to having Mickey home again.Huh?" Lip asked and Malia shrugged.
"Yeah.i guess" she replied,a little wierded out by all the questions.

After they walked for a little bit longer,Lip and Mandy split off to go buy a pack of smokes so Ian told Malia he would walk her home.

"I don't need walking home,gallagher" Malia told him as they walked down a dimly lit street.
"Yeah well,what if some creepy old man comes up and just-" ian teased as he tickled Malia's sides making her laugh and turn so she was walking backwards.

"I'd probably stab him.You want me to stab you? Huh?" Malia joked as she pushed ian so he stumbled onto the empty road.
"Woah! Easy tiger" ian teased and he pushed Malia into the doorway of one of the stores before running away.

Malia chased after him,catching up to him in no time before punching him in the arm.The two teenagers laughed and joked all the way to Malia's house until the sound of Terry and his friends filled the air.

"You sure your okay,staying here?" Ian asked and Malia nodded.
"Iggy's i'll just go in the back.I'll see you tomorrow,okay?" Malia told ian who nodded and began walking home.

Malia dropped Mandy a text warning her to use the back door before walking quietly into the house.She reached her room and slipped inside without making a noise.She knew once she was in there,she was safe.Terry mostly forgot he had kids until he saw one and decided to pick on them so if she didn't make herself known,she was okay.

Malia decided not to risk putting the tv on so she got ready for bed,quietly going into the bathroom to brush her teeth and finish getting ready before climbing into her bed,listening to the laughing and yelling of the adults in the living room as she drifted off to sleep.

When Malia woke up the next day,The house was silent,She threw an oversized hoodie on which probably wasn't even hers and went out into the Kitchen.She searched the cupboards but there was no food in for breakfast.

Malia shoved a pair of blue low rise jeans on that showed off her figure and a cropped black tshirt with a cool white design on.She decided to leave her hair how it was in two braids that went down to her hips and grabbed some money before leaving the house.

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