'Five bucks?'

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The next morning,Malia woke up,squinting at the light on her phone that read 8:07am.Her head was pounding and to make it all worse.She had school.

After taking a handfull of pills,Malia collected all of her things for school before pulling on a pair of  tight black  jeans and a black shirt with some white design on it,she didn't actually know where the tshirt came from but it was cool.

She was running late as usual,so as she ran out into the living room she spotted her two brothers sat having a smoke.

"Iggy can i have your jacket? Please" Malia asked,he wore a black zip up jacket that would be a little big on Malia but she didnt care.

"Sorry sis,i'm going out" iggy shrugged and Malia huffed.
"Mick?" She questioned and he sighed before giving up his hoodie.

"Thank you!" Malia yelled as she ran out the front door.

After School Malia met up with ian and his brother Lip to walk home together.
"Gotta love these half days" ian smiled and Malia nodded.

"Good thing public education is broke" Malia joined in.Ian looked at Malia and high fived her although they both missed twice until the third time,when they were both laughing.

"Hey wanna catch a movie later? Brandy can sneak us in" Malia asked as she looked at ian.
"Can't.Gotta be at work by 3" ian replied.

"Nice jacket Kash bought you" Lip smirked and ian looked down at his jacket.
"Thanks" ian replied

"Yeah.Tell Kash i'll take it in the ass if it gets me free stuff" Malia joked and the two boys laughed.
"Hey!" A voice called and the boys and Malia turned to see a Man stood with his truck.

"Hey,yeah i'm talking to you.You got a phone?" The man asked as he pointed at Lip.
"What,your truck break down?" Lip asked

"No,genius,i like standing in a shitty neighbourhood with my dick in my hands.I'm already two hours late on this load.I try take one short cut and this is what i get" the man explained.

"My goddamn kid drained my phone playing doodle jump.My goddamn wife took my charger.I'll give you 5 bucks if you let me use your phone" the man spoke desperately and Malia slipped ian her phone for him to hide in his pocket so it was out of sight.

"Just one call" the delivery guy begged and Malia shrugged.
"Oh,we don't have a phone.Our dad says not till we're 18.Um,but you know what? i think theres a bar about 10 blocks that way" Malia told him and the man sighed.

"Whats it called?" He huffed
"Uh,O'Flahertys" Malia lied and ian looked away,hiding his smile as he tried not to laugh.

"Tell them your familys from cook county" Lip added in.
"Ten blocks?" The man questioned

"Maybe five.Straight shot" Malia nodded as she pointed behind them.
"This is yours if you keep an eye on the truck" The man told the teenagers as he held up 5 bucks.

"Five bucks?" Lip questioned
"Oh cool! Thanks mister" Malia spoke sarcastically.
"Hey,Hey make sure no one gets near it" the man warned and the teenagers nodded,watching as the man walked away.

When he was out of sight,Ian passed Malia her phone which she passed to Lip who dialed a number and The three walked towards the back of the van.

"Yo,Kev Forty-third and Halsted.Bring a crowbar" Lip gave the man the details before ending the phone.

Malia and Ian split off from the growing group of people all trying to raid the truck,And began walking to the Kash and Grab.

Ian grabbed a bag of Chips before looking at Malia.
"You want some chips?" He asked and Malia nodded.
"Sure,Thanks" she smiled and Ian payed for the two bags of chips before handing Malia hers.

"I'll see ya later" Malia told ian as he took of his jacket.He said his goodbye to the girl and began getting ready for his shift and Malia walked herself home.

The house was empty when Malia got home so she took her chips and made her way to her room.

The rest of the night was boring,until it came to about 6 o'clock and there was a loud knock at the door.Malia made her way through the house before opening the door,seeing ian stood fidgeting nervously.

"Change your mind about that movie?" Malia asked with a smile.
"Wheres mickey?" Ian asked quickly and Malia frowned.

"Downstate,picking up our dad from prison,he spent the day there,so mickeys bailing him out.Why?" Malia asked but the red-headed teenager rushed into the house straight past the girl.

"What the hell,ian?" Malia yelled and ian opened the first bedroom door before looking inside to see a neatly made bed,making it clear it wasn't Mickeys by how tidy it was.

He then moved onto the next room,which was Malia's the door was already open so he could tell it wasn't Mickeys by the dresses and jeans on the floor.

Then he reached the last door,a sign that read "Stay the fuck out!" Taped to the door which he flung open.He immediately began rummaging through mickeys drawers while malia followed him.

"What are you doing?" Malia asked but ian didn't response he just continued on searching mickeys room.
"Mickey will kill you.What do you want?!" Malia yelled and ian snapped out of it,looking towards the doorway where Malia stood.

"He hit Kash,okay?" Ian replied and Malia rolled her eyes.
"Just go.I'll put everything back" Malia spoke as she pulled ian out of Mickeys room.

"Tell him it ends now.No more messing with Kash.And tell him i want the gun back.Tonight" ian warned and Malia pushed him out of the house before closing the door and sighing.

She made her way to Mickey's room,Knowing that Mickey should be home soon.She picked up the clothes that had been thrown all over the room and placed them back into the right drawers before standing up the items that had been knocked over and closing the drawers ian had opened.

Life on the South-Side~ShamelessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin