"I'm still young Isaiah, I have time to figure out what I want to do with my life. I wasn't gonna go off to college when I didn't even know what I wanted to pursue a degree in, that would've been a waste of time and money. I like doing hair, but I don't love it and besides I only do my hair and sometimes Jazz's. But you're right, I am spoiled, I can admit that." Isabella responded truthfully

Being the only girl and the youngest child, Isabella rarely had to lift a finger throughout her whole 18 years of life and she loved that luxury. Yet as she stepped into adulthood, she couldn't help but wonder if being coddled all her life had done more harm than good.

"You do have time to figure it out, but who says you have to figure it out here? We moved out here when you were ten, this really where you grew up at. I don't think it's a bad idea for you to go to Atlanta, a change of scenery is what you need. Being in a different environment might inspire you."

Isabella sighed, "You don't understand Isaiah, we didn't leave Atlanta on a good note. After daddy got killed, it's like ma couldn't stand to be in the city anymore. She uprooted us and hardly ever looked back."

After their dad was murdered, La'Tasha was heartbroken. She had lost her first, true, and only love and she knew she would never love the same again. She couldn't handle living in the same city knowing her husbands murderers were still freely roaming around, so she had to leave. Three weeks after laying her husband to rest, Tasha packed her children and house up and relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina in search of a fresh start.

"How could she Bella? Pops death scarred her, it scarred all of us, just in different ways. Truth be told, I think that's why you're so hesitant to go back. There's a lot of memories there, good and bad but we left there on a bad memory." Isaiah blew smoke out his nostrils as he eyed his blunt that was damn near a roach now

"Exactly." Isabella agreed as she continued to drive, "And y'all weren't there when he got shot, I was. That memory will never ever go away, how am I suppose to go back to the city that took away the man that loved me the most?" She asked herself more than Isaiah

"You gone have to make peace with it Isabella. I did, mommy did, Junior did. You haven't. You don't think mommy knows that? That's probably why she wants you to go back to the A with her, it's time for you to heal."

"How am I suppose to heal in the same place that broke me?" Isabella questioned, this time expecting an answer

She turned her left signal light on as she prepared to turn into the parking lot of Longhorn Steakhouse. Making sure to be extra cautious, she pulled into the parking lot and found an empty parking space right in front of the establishment.

Isaiah looked at her as she put the car in park, "Shit, go back home and find out."

He ashed his blunt out ending the conversation with those final words and also leaving Isabella's mind wondering.


"You're what?!" Jazzlyn shrieked as she sat in a black velvet cushioned accent chair in Isabella's room later that evening

"I'm moving back to Atlanta." Isabella repeated nonchalantly as she parted Jazz's hair

It was going on 9 pm and she was halfway through with putting long medium sized red knotless braids in Jazzlyn's hair. She would've been done a hour ago if Jazz wasn't so damn tender headed.

"Bitch is you serious? Why?" Jazz turned her whole body around to face Izzy

Isabella mugged her, "Does it look like I'm playing Jazz? Come on and turn around so I can finish these braids and Nana's Alzheimers is getting worse so my mama wants to be closer to her."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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