Resilient Hearts

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College life  the life where you are still kind of carefree but you also have start taking responsibility even for you own actions as Akaashi was about to find out sho said to keiji Kei i want to make us official i mean people know we are dating but we never really said anything  keiji replied with  sure darling if that’s what you want  Akaashi had no intentions of doing that of course when the time came they agreed to announce it together akaashi was out again Sho was livid she decided this time it’s the end with on simple word goodbye
She left it for akaashi to find along with the promise ring Akaashi got home dunk of course and yelled darling you home honey  sunshine Getting no reply to the nicknames he checked the room before something caught his
eye the note He read it It seem to sober him up a little  freaking out akaashi kept saying  no no no no  Meanwhile with sho is with kuroo Crying Akaashi was currently reminiscing  added in Katy Perry's lyrics of the one that got away

Akaashi:🎶 Summer after high school when we first met We'd make out in my Mustang to Radiohead And on your 18th birthday we got matching tattoos🎶
He and sho looked at their tattoos and it was true shona had her tattoo removed it was a puzzle piece and was meant to look like it fit Akaashi's 
Akaashi:🎶 Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof Talk about our future like we had a clue Never planned that one day I'd be losing you🎶

Because of his foolishness he feels like he has lost her forever and to a degree he’s right

Akaashi's thoughts 💭 god if only i was sober and I didn’t kiss that stupid fangirl  Yes sho did hear about it from Konoha he is her cousin after all of course he was going to snitch Akaashi grabbed a bottle and started singing

akaashi:🎶In another life you would be my girl
We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world🎶 
The Irony is i really fucking hated this song it  applies  me know just not in the way it was originally intended he carried on singing

Akaashi: 🎶 In another life I would make you stay
So I don't have to say You were the one that got away The one that got away🎶

Oh darling i wish i knew where you were
Time skip ⏭ 6 days later akaashi has been getting drunk alot mainly out of guilt and anger He messaged sho, pouring his heart out and apologizing for his actions. He admitted his foolishness and begged for another chance, promising to change and become a better person. Sho, on the other hand, was conflicted. She still loved Akaashi deeply, but she couldn't shake off the hurt and betrayal she felt.

After reading Akaashi's messages, Sho sat there contemplating her next move. She had always believed in forgiveness and second chances, but this time felt different. She didn't know if she could trust Akaashi again, especially after hearing about his encounter with the fangirl. Sho decided to meet him in person to have a face-to-face conversation.

They arranged to meet at their favorite café, the one they used to frequent during their early days of dating. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as Akaashi arrived, nervously awaiting Sho's arrival. When she finally walked in, Akaashi felt his heart skip a beat - she looked as beautiful as ever, yet there was pain in her eyes.

Sho took a deep breath and started speaking, her voice steady but filled with emotion. She confessed that she still loved Akaashi, but trust was a fragile thing that needed time to heal. Sho made it clear that she wanted to see change in Akaashi, not just words.

Akaashi, realizing the gravity of the situation, nodded understandingly. He promised to work on himself, to prioritize Sho and their relationship above all else. He vowed to be more open, honest, and attentive, ensuring that he would never make the same mistakes again. Akaashi asked for forgiveness, acknowledging that it would take time to rebuild their trust, but he was ready to do whatever it took.

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