psychosis (sad BokuAka)

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To any outsider bokuto looked like a normal volleyball player and he was Bokuto was living a normal happy life with his husband to be they would sit up and talk about wedding plans they would go out on dates see normal right?

Bokuto:Should we make it gold and black theme

Keiji:Sure my world you are going to way to much trouble

Bokuto:Oh my star with you nothing is too much

See normal day Right? Accept it’s not normal why Akaashi is Dead so you are wondering why is bokuto seeing him talking to him making their wedding plans
He has psychosis people with psychosis have their own set of symptoms  the , 3 main symptoms are associated with a

psychotic episode:

* hallucinations
* delusions
* confused and disturbed thoughts

Today is one of he really bad episodes and he is talking to Akaashi as far as he is concerned the are out on a date it’s snowing He was wear the scarf Akaashi knitted for him

Bokuto:Keiji have you ever thought about a family

Keiji:you’re my family Kou

Bokuto:i know that Baby owl i meant kids

Keiji:oh well no i haven’t

Bokuto stopped for a moment under a snow cover Sakura And said

Bokuto:you know Keiji you are very beautiful i am lucky

Keiji:yes you are my love but i need you to wake up

As akasshi said that bokuto did wake up

Bokuto:Keiji My world where are you

Dead silent

Bokuto:Baby owl you home?

Nothing Bokuto rang kenma eho after the send ring picked up

Bokuto:📲Ken have you see Akaashi he was here a few moments ago



Kenma:📲Bo Keiji is dead remember

Bokuto:📲No! His not we were just talking about our wedding

Kenma:📲Bo you have Psychosis you were Hallucinating


Kenma:Bo?…..Bokuto? Are you okay?

Kenma could hear him talk on the other line

Bokuto:You’re dead?!

Keiji:Sorry my Star my illness took over me i went peacefully in my sleep at my parents house

Bokuto:You were alone?!

Keiji:Yes my star i am sorry sorry i left you

Bokuto:But i can still see you

Bokuto:But i can still see you

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Always for you my star i know i regret not telling you i was ill and I regret leaving you in this state

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Always for you my star i know i regret not telling you i was ill and I regret leaving you in this state

Kenma was still listening to bokuto

Bokuto:Will will i see you again?

Keiji:I am always with you i will see you in another life

Bokuto:I see you my world in another life

Kenma hangs up

As akaashi fades away knowing bokuto will now be in safe hands with kenma and kuroo
15 minute later  there was a knock on the door

Kuroo:Bro open up

Bokuto was deep in thought was there away he could be with akaashi

Bokuto:I want to be with you keiji it feels wrong without you i feel wrong with out you

Kenma:Bo? Where are you?

Keiji:Kou what are you doing?

Bokuto:Coming to you

Keiji:Its not your time

Bokuto:Don’t care my life feels wrong with you not in it

Keiji:Kou kou stop think about kenma and kuroo here they are in our house think how there are going to react right now


Keiji:There there don’t cry

Kuroo:Bro bro?

Bokuto:I just want to be with you see you hold you am i wrong in that?

Keiji:No Kou you can do all that when its your time and its not yet

Kenma:Bo? Are you in there?

Keiji:Anwser him

Bokuto:Yeah kenma i  guess i am still here despite my better judgement

Kuroo slowly opened the door and saw bokuto

Kuroo:Holy shit Bro how bad has this got


Kuroo:Right dumb question you really are not coping are you

Bokuto turned to look back at akaashi who looked at him and said

Keiji:i love you please go with them my star

He nods and says

Bokuto:i will my world

Kuroo:Huh? Who are you talking to

Keiji:He’s talking to keiji it part of his Psychosis

Bokuto:Kenma you make me sound like i am crazy

Kenma:Sorry Bo i know its a coping Method

After a little… okay after a lot of convincing Bokuto agreed to get help and  see a greif Counselor he is now getting help for away to control his Psychosis and he talks freely about his intrusive thoughts and how bad he misses Keiji and maybe he was projecting his greif to keep Keiji alive and when his time came he will be with his world again in another life

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