Part 7: The Story

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Jungkook told Taehyung his story.

He looked at Taehyung with a mix of fear and hope, and he wrote on a paper,

**Please, don't hate me. I know I've done terrible things, but I'm not a bad person. I was just...lost. And then I found you.**

He showed it to Taehyung, who read it and nodded. He squeezed Jungkook's hand and wrote on another paper, "I'm listening. Tell me everything."

Jungkook smiled faintly and began.

**I'm the son of a powerful businessman who owns a large company that deals with weapons and military contracts. You've probably heard of him. His name is Park Seojoon, and he's one of the richest and most influential people in the country**

He wrote it on the paper and showed it to Taehyung, who gasped. He had heard of him. He was the owner of Jeon Industries, a notorious corporation that was involved in many scandals and controversies. He was also the target of many protests and attacks from various grouph and organizations.

He wrote on the paper, "You're his son?"

Jungkook nodded and continued writing.

**Yes, I'm his son. But I never wanted to be. He was a cruel and abusive father who only cared about money and power. He never loved me or my mother. He treated us like objects, like tools for his own benefit. He forced me to study hard and learn everything about his business. He wanted me to be his heir, his successor, his puppet. He didn't care about my dreams, my feelings, my happiness. He only cared about his own.**

He showed the paper to Taehyung, who felt a surge of sympathy and anger. He couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for Jungkook to grow up in such a cold and ruthless environment. He wrote on the paper, "I'm so sorry, Jungkook. You didn't deserve that. No one does."

Jungkook smiled sadly and wrote back,

**Thank you, Taehyung. You're very kind. But it gets worse. Much worse." He took a deep breath and went on. "When I was 16, my mother died. She had been sick for a long time, but my father didn't care. He didn't let her see a doctor or get any treatment. He said she was weak and useless, and that she was a burden to him. He said he wished she would die soon, so he could marry someone else who could give him more sons. He was a monster.**

He showed the paper to Taehyung, who felt tears sting his eyes. He couldn't believe how heartless Jungkook's father was. He wrote on the paper, "That's horrible, Jungkook. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mother must have loved you very much."

Jungkook nodded and wrote back,

**She did. She was the only person who ever loved me unconditionally. She was the only person who ever made me feel happy and safe. She was the only person who ever understood me and supported me. She was my angel." He paused and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. He wrote on the paper, "But after she died, I lost everything. My father became even more cruel and violent towards me. He blamed me for her death, saying I was a disappointment and a failure. He said I was worthless and pathetic, and that I should have died instead of her. He beat me up every day, sometimes with his fists, sometimes with his belt, sometimes with his cane. He locked me up in my room for hours, sometimes days, without food or water or light. He burned me with cigarettes and cut me with knives and needles. He tortured me in every way possible, physically and mentally.**

He showed the paper to Taehyung, who felt a wave of shock and horror wash over him. He couldn't believe what he was reading. He couldn't believe that someone could do such things to their own child. He couldn't believe that Jungkook had survived such hell for so long. He wrote on the paper, "Jungkook, that's...that's unspeakable. That's inhuman. How did you endure that? How did you escape?"

Jungkook sighed and wrote on the paper,

**I never escaped. I never tried to. I gave up on myself. I gave up on my dreams, my hopes, my freedom. I gave up on my life. I accepted my fate. I became what my father wanted me to be. A brat, a gangster, a rude and arrogant jerk. I learned everything about his business, his deals, his enemies, his allies. I learned how to lie, cheat, steal, kill. I learned how to be ruthless, heartless, soulless. I learned how to be like him.**

He showed the paper to Taehyung, who felt a pang of sadness and pity. He couldn't imagine how much pain and suffering Jungkook had gone through. He couldn't imagine how much he had changed and lost himself. He wrote on the paper, "But you're not like him, Jungkook. You're not a monster. You're not evil. You're still human. You still have a heart."

Jungkook shook his head and wrote back,

**No, Taehyung. You're wrong. I'm not human. I'm not a person. I'm a machine. A weapon. A tool. That's all I ever was to him. That's all I ever will be." He paused and looked at Taehyung with a bitter smile. He wrote on the paper, "And that's why I did what I did.**

What do you think of the next part? Do you like it? Do you have any questions or comments for me? Please let me know your feedback.💜


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