Part 5: The Resolution

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Taehyung made up his mind. He couldn’t let them take Jungkook away. He couldn’t let them hurt him or kill him.

He had to prove his innocence.

He had to prove his love.

He stepped in front of Jungkook, and he faced Dr. Park and the men in suits. He looked determined, and he spoke with conviction.

“Wait, you can’t do this. You have the wrong person. Jungkook is not a terrorist. He’s a victim.” He said, firmly.

Dr. Park scoffed, and he shook his head.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Taehyung. We have evidence. We have witnesses. We have a confession.” He said, coldly.

He took out a paper from his pocket, and he showed it to Taehyung.

It was a letter, written by Jungkook.

It was a letter of apology, and a letter of farewell.

It was a letter of confession.

It said:

**To whom it may concern,

I am sorry for what I have done. I am sorry for the pain and the suffering that I have caused. I am sorry for the lives that I have taken.

I was part of a group that planned and executed the explosion at the city hall. We wanted to make a statement. We wanted to make a change.

We were wrong.

We were misguided.

We were foolish.

I realized that too late.

I realized that when I met Taehyung.

He saved me from the blast. He saved me from death. He saved me from myself.

He showed me kindness. He showed me compassion. He showed me love.

He made me see the error of my ways. He made me see the value of life. He made me see the beauty of the world.

He made me happy.

But I don’t deserve to be happy.

I don’t deserve to be loved.

I don’t deserve to live.

That’s why I’m writing this letter.

This is my goodbye.

This is my apology.

This is my confession.

Please forgive me.

Please forget me.

Please be happy.

I love you, Taehyung.


Taehyung read the letter, and he felt his heart break. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. He couldn’t believe that Jungkook had written this.

He couldn’t believe that Jungkook had lied to him.

He looked at Jungkook with betrayal and anger in his eyes, and he asked him in a low voice.

“Is this true? Did you write this?” He asked, writing it down on a paper.

Jungkook nodded, and he wrote something on another paper.

Yes, I did. But I didn’t mean it. I wrote it to protect you.

He showed it to Taehyung, who read it and felt more confusion and pain in his chest.

He didn’t understand what Jungkook meant by that. He didn’t understand how lying to him could protect him.

He didn’t understand anything anymore.

What do you think of the next part? Do you like it? Do you have any questions or comments for me? Please let me know your feedback. 😊

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