Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of

Começar do início

Y/n: Their tools. They just tools.... Especially this one....

I pulled out the crowbar and gracelessly dropped it on the table. Ruby looked at the crowbar, not knowing what exactly it was. She picked it up and looked at it. At first glance, it looked like a well-worn crowbar, but if you look closely, you can see blood that's been caked on over the years. When Ruby realized, she dropped it and stumbled back. 

Ruby: T-there's so much blood on it....

Y/n: ...And some of it's mine...

Ruby looked at me, wanting clarification. She didn't remember much of what happened and I wanted to keep it that way. Yang and I both remember and we both wish that we didn't. I finished pulling out all of my gear and started looking over it, making sure that I had everything. Satisficed that I did, I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom, leaving Ruby to fawn over my weapons. 

I was still considering bringing some more firepower incase things went bad at the meeting. I don't know who or what all will be there but bringing a little extra cant hurt. I got the gear on and walked back out in only to see Ruby once again holding the crowbar. I was curious about why she would pick it back up after she realized how stained it was. 

I walked back into the kitchen, Ruby never acknowledging me. I put a hand on her shoulder and she jumped, fumbling and dropping the crowbar on the floor. I knelt down and picked it up and put it in the carrier on my back for it. Before I could put the rest of my weapons in place, Ruby spoke, freezing me in place. 

Ruby: The crowbar... You said that it had your blood on it too... W-was it from.... 

Y/n: *Sigh* ....Yeah....

Ruby: ...What exactly happened...? Back then, I mean.

Y/n: Ruby, That was a long time ago... Besides, I'm glad you don't remember. There's nothing good TO remember...

Ruby: What about Mom, or Qrow?

Y/n: Mom disappeared and died because she chose to be a Huntress over our mother...

That wasn't my actual opinion of her. In fact, I don't blame her for leaving. Ozpin had sent her on that mission and Raven and her files said that they knew about Ozpin and Salem. Its easy to make the connection that it was probably a mission pertaining to Salem. Essentially, Mom fought and died in the hopes that we wouldn't have to. I couldn't tell Ruby that without telling her the truth about everything, and that's something I just cant do. I'm in the mess mom tried to keep us out of, I'll be damned it I'm going to bring Ruby into it too. 

Y/n: ...And as for Qrow, he only started caring after I... After what WE went through and that's something I cant let go of.

And that was the honest truth. Qrow was almost never around when we were growing up. He always stayed away. He always had a mission to be on, and the few times when I did see him, he was piss drunk. It was so bad that mom left him. Qrow may have stepped up for Yang and Ruby, but the question I have for him is why didn't he step up for me? I was his son and he was more concerned with everything but. Just because he did one thing right doesn't excuse everything else that he did wrong. 

Ruby: How can you say that about mom? You wanted to be a Huntsman too!

Y/n: Not anymore.

Ruby: And Uncle Qrow! He came to save us!

Y/n: Did he save me?!

Ruby glared harshly at me. I wasn't going to give a inch here. I was lying about what I thought about mom, but my opinion of Qrow wasn't going to change. I glared back before putting my mask on. Ruby looked away, clearly pissed at me. I finished getting ready and grabbed my bag before I walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom. I tossed the empty bag onto the bed and started to push the bookshelf out of the way. 

The Wilted RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora