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I'm on my way to Hyunjin's room to bring him the soup I had just made for him. He said he was feeling very nauseous and said he was going to die. Is this dude serious? Like c'mon. I mean I have always known this guy was dramatic but not this dramatic. I guess Chan was right. 

*Knock Knock* 

Aeri: Hyunjin can I come in I have some soup for you. 


Aeri: Hello? 

Hyunjin: Huh what? 

Aeri: I said can I come in... 

Hyunjin: Yeah sure. 

I opened the door and walked over to his bed. 

Aeri: how are you feeling? 

I said as I placed the back of my hand on his forehead... God damn why was he so hot? I mean like temperature but the other way too. 

Aeri: Oh my, why are you so hot? 

Hyunjin: Oh so I'm hot?

Aeri: W- that's not what I mean idiot I meant the other way. 

Hyunjin: Mhm sure I've seen your wall

paper you know. 

Aeri: Why and when the heck?

Hyunjin: Ye- 

Aeri: whatever just drink your soup while I go get a cold towel.

Hyunjin: mhm. 

I exited his room and let out a big sigh that I didnt even know I was holding and went to the kitchen, got a bowl of cold water, grabbed a towel and went back to his room. 

I grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the bed Hyunjin was laying on and placed the towel on his forehead. 

Hyunjin: A- ahh why is it so cold. 

Aeri: Well your obviously burning up right now so you need to cool down. 

Hyunjin: What a nice way to call me hot. 

Aeri: shut up stop praising yourself before I leave you here alone. 

Hyunjin: you wouldn't 

Aeri: why wouldn't I? 

Hyunjin: because you were told to take care of me and you wouldn't want to upset stays let alone Chan. 

Aeri: and why would they be upset? 

Hyunjin: Because if they found out you were not doing what you are supposed to and let me die alone in this room, they would hate you. 

Aeri: okay first off, I was told my job was to be with you guys wherever you go, cook for you guys, and clean the house.

Hyunjin: also taking care of us. 

Aeri: we- Never mind just shush. 

Hyunjin: If you say so. 

Aeri: your sick so why are you talking so much go to sleep. 

Hyunjin: but im not tired

Aeri: I don't care. like you said I have to take care of you guys, so I will choose when its best to sleep and I say right now so sleep. 

Hyunjin: fine bye. 

Aeri: bye if you need anything just tell me. Do you need anything right now?

Hyunjin: yeah... you. 

Working for Straykids ~Hwang Hyunjin ff~Where stories live. Discover now