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I walked over to my room, because of all the eyes on me I have lost my appetite. I looked back at the boys one more time to see them still looking at me. 

Felix: Aeri just remember we love you so much.

Aeri: Well.... I love you guys as well? 

I let out a nervous chuckle before I opened my room door. I suddenly felt a freezing cold liquid spill on me. Is this why they were suddenly telling me they love me? Is this why they kept starring at me? are you kidding me. 

Aeri: Oh. My. Flipping. God. 

Han: Oh crap she's mad.... on her first day. 

Minho: what if she quits. 

Aeri: Who did this? 

Changbin: Not me! 

I was freezing cold. I am going to get revenge on whoever did this and I will make sure to. 

Seungmin: Could be me.... 

Aeri: It was you... ill get you back just wait. 

I went in my room and slammed the door. I wasn't really mad cause it was just for fun, just a prank. I mean what did I expect I am now working for crazy kids. 


It was the next morning and I was in the kitchen making Pajeon for break fast. It was simple and quick. I set the table and called the boys out of their rooms. 


I shouted through the whole dorm room. No one but Seungmin was awake. who is currently in the living room watching TV

Aeri: yahh Kim Seungmin please wake the boys up I don't want to enter their rooms. 

Seungmin: Its fine I will go in this room and you can go in that one to wake them up. 

Aeri: are you sure its fine? 

Seungmin: yeah don't worry. 

Aeri: if you say so. 

I entered the room which had Chan, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Minho sleeping ever so soundly inside. 

I first went up to Jeongin and started shaking him slightly to wake him. I woke him up pretty easily so I moved to Chan who also woke up easily. They both left the room to wash up before eating their breakfast. 

I went to Minho and shaked him in attempt of waking up. He wasn't waking up so I pulled off the blanket and started shaking him even more.

Aeri: Minho wake up. Get up.

With just a few more shakes he woke up. 

Minho: huh w-what? 

Aeri: wash up and eat breakfast. 

Last but not least Hwang Hyunjin. I know this dude is a heavy sleeper so he will take some effort. 

Aeri: Hyunjinn wake up. Its time to eat. 

No sound. 

Aeri: C'mon get up or I will spill water on you. 

No sound. 

He asked for it. I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist and spoke. 

Hyunjin: No wait don't leave five more minutes. 

I assume he is sleep talking.

Aeri: get up and eat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He pulled me down to his level and hugged me pulling me in bed with him. 

Aeri: Y- yahh Hwang Hyunjin let me go. 

Hyunjin: No wait just a bit more mom. 

Aeri: what? I'm not you mom now get out of bed and let me go. 

Hyunjin: No! 


I shouted through the room and how has this dude not woken up yet. Chan came running into the room to see me being strangled (my bad) by Hyunjin. 

Chan: What in the world is going on? 

Aeri: I was trying to wake this guy up but he pulled me down to him and wont let me go. 

Chan let out a chuckle before leaving the room. Soon after coming back. With, the rst of the members. Han started taking pictures. 

Aeri: yo what are you doing? help me please. 

Hyunjin started to wake up and he was holding on to me even tighter. 


Hyunjin came to his senses and let me go. 

Hyunjin: W- what is going on? 

Aeri: You pulled me in bed with you that's what. 

I was irritated because now these boys were going to tease us forever about this. 

Hyunjin: I did? What? When? Where? How? Why didn't you wake me up? 

Aeri: I tried idiot but you wouldn't wake up..... What ever all of you guys get out, go eat and then lets go to JYPE I was told you guys have practice so lets go. 

We all left the room ate break fast washed up and left to JYPE for practice. 

I was sort of ignoring Hyunjin most of the day because I was still embarrassed and felt this awkward aura every time I was near him. If we talked I would keep it as short as possible. But I cant run from this forever. Just a little misunderstanding. 

To Be Continued.......

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