Chapter 22: Beasts Of Lake

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Soap: "She is pretty cute, isn't she?"

Oribe: "She is. I didn't think she'd be so warm."

The triceratops then shook its head. Oribe took a step back, but Trevor told her its' trying to get to know her.

Soap: "Come on now, this is no restaurant."

As he tried again to push the young Triceratops and still couldn't take a single step to move, the car horn-like sound has now gotten the dinosaur's attention when it makes a sound in annoyance. This Triceratops had stared at him as it got his attention. Trevor then turns on his flashlight and the light grew brighter which looked directly in the eye and it took a step back.

Soap grabs the branch and throws it to the other side of the forest to more leaves around the bushes and trees. The Triceratops then followed to where he threw the branch and now the dinosaur was out of the path.

Soap: "There. Now you have no excuse."

So they followed Soap to continued their path, but suddenly he heard noises from a bigger Triceratops. It was the Alpha. 

Soap: "Oh shit....Mates! we got a problem!" He said to them.

The big one dashed where they are and the group dodged the attack when they went in the opposite direction and roared and snouted

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The big one dashed where they are and the group dodged the attack when they went in the opposite direction and roared and snouted. Everyone got up but then the ground shook when they heard a booming noise.

Those were footsteps of giant dinosaur that's coming their way. Oribe gasps as it came closer. Those footsteps from the most powerful carnivores of all; the Yudon. This dinosaur appears to be an adult female with blue skies and other colors looks like purple and others was different than anything

 This dinosaur appears to be an adult female with blue skies and other colors looks like purple and others was different than anything

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The Yudon was sniffing in the air with a long, growl, and let out a huge mighty roar. The roar so loud the group covered their ears. Then the Triceratops faced the Yudon's direction, and their fight had begun.

The Yudon bursts out of the ruined fence lunged forward with its powerful jaws open wide. The Triceratops sidesteps the assault, its horns knocking down small trees. In the trees, half of the group scurry again for cover. The triceratops presses the attack by using it's horns to gall its attacker, scratched the Yudon on the eye. This impressive vegetarian has proved to be a formidable opponent.

Kyochuu Rettou: Dino Crisis (Harem X Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora