Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Friend part 1

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We start over Oceanside California where we see Xander, Hailey who's holding a little squid and Scott racing down the street on his motorcycle while two people on a golf cart chase them


Hailey: hurry! We're almost there!

Xander: I know! I know!

Scott: can't you just use your portal thing?

Xander: I would have if someone didn't get everyone's attention!

Hailey: did you have to look straight at the camera, Scott?!

Scott: sorry I wanted to see if it worked

Xander: damn it Scott!

Hailey (voice over): your probably wondering how we got here? Well it all started on New Year's Eve


We now see Hailey's house where we hear people counting down for the new year. We now look on the roof where we see Xander, Hailey and Scott all counting down as well

All: new year!

As fireworks get shot off in the distance we see Scott tossing confetti while Xander and hailey blow some party horns

Scott: Resolution time! [stands] This year, I'm gonna stop wasting my afternoons watching parkour fails online...and start doing my own parkour fails! Wha-ba! Woo-hoo! [he jumps against the roof's antenna and falls face first back onto the rooftop and grunts as he lands] Nailed it

Hailey: well, my resolution is equally exciting. I'm going to finally enter one of my handmade birdhouses into the largest birdhouse building competition on the West Coast Home Tweet Home

Scott: That's awesome, Hailey. I really believe you think you're going to do that

Hailey: [picks up bird house] although, now that I look at it, my latticework is still builder grade. What if I get there and everyone hates it, and they laugh at me? Then one of the judges throws my birdhouse into the dumpster, but there was a bird still in there because no one checked, and now I'm a bird murderer

Scott: You're doing it again

Hailey: what?

Scott: that thing where you talk yourself out of doing something cool

Hailey: No, I'm totally gonna do it eventually. In fact, I'm gonna write it down in my big list of things I'm totally gonna do

Scott: Hailey, you've been working on that list since the first grade, and you haven't crossed off a single item

Hailey: Yeah, well, this year's gonna be different. In fact, that's gonna be my New Year's resolution to do every single thing on my list

Scott: [nudges Hailey] Now you're talkin'. [turns to Xander] so what's your resolution, dude?

Xander: um, not sure

Scott: come on you have to have something

Xander: about finding the right girl

Scott: [smirks] oh~ you want a girlfriend

Xander: [blushes] what of it?

Scott: nothing man that's cool

Hailey: (girlfriend?! Xander's looking for a girlfriend?! That could be me! That will be me!)

Scott: you know, something tells me this is gonna be the year we will make our dreams come true. Parkour! [He slides across the roof, causing the edge to snap off, and he falls before groaning in pain] I'm okay

Hailey's on it x decadeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें