you're mine

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"c'mon, let's go to the party! please, for me?" el rolled her eyes and ignored max's pleas. she really didn't want to go to this particular party. it was one that the whole school had been planning for months and they devoted every minute of every month to it.

it was basically just gonna be another frat party but at the school. everyone had decorations in their locker since late august and it's july now.

it was supposed to be a cool party and when el heard about it she was totally in. but then she started thinking about the fact that there was gonna be music and speakers so it would be loud.

she figured the people who live near the school would complain and call the cops. her dad had just become the chief of police so if he was called down there, el would be grounded for life.

"max, no. i can't get grounded for going to a party again. it's too soon." last time her dad had to break down a party, it was one like this one but not so much thought and detail was placed into it.

the guy who owned the house was drunk and accidentally got his friend to call the whole school and invite everyone to a party. the guy said that he suggested having a party as a joke and his friend was so excited so he just ended up calling everyone.

anyway, her dad busted the party and she swore she was the first one out of that house when she heard her dad was outside. she can still feel how deep her heart dropped but she didn't even pay attention to that, she just grabbed mikes hand and ran with him.

"but it was so funny when you and mike went running! don't you want that experience again?" el sighed and came to the conclusion that if she didn't try to get mike to go with her then max would bug her about this forever.

el only goes to parties if mike goes because he can watch her if she gets too drunk. mike isn't a big fan of alcohol because of his father. when he used to get drunk, he would hit mike and mike just doesn't do it often or at all.

"oh my god, fine! but if mike says no then you have your answer." max clapped her hands together and went downstairs to go get her makeup all ready. el grabbed her phone from her purse. once she grabbed it, she clicked his contact and called him.

calling ml 💓

"what's up, baby? do you need something?" she almost melted when she heard his voice but kept it together.

"uh yeah actually. can you come with me and max to a party? it's that one that the whole grade has been planning for like the whole year. you can say no, i'm just asking." when max came back into the room, she saw that el was on her phone so she stayed quiet.

"yeah sure. i wanted to see you tomorrow or today anyway. i'll be there in 15 but take your time. bye baby, love you."

"bye baby, love you too."

called ended by el

she turned back around to face max, seeing her with a disgusted look on her face due to el and mike being all mushy. el laughed and nudged max, telling her to cut it out.

"so it's a yes?" when el nodded, max squealed as loud as she could and the two girls got ready together. they helped each other put on make-up and they told each other if it was messy and laughed the entire time.

they totally lost track of time and when el glanced at her phone, her face went blank. "what's wrong?" maxs eyebrows furrowed until she looked at the time and her jaw dropped.

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