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A few days later, Violet finally felt a sense of normalcy returning to her life. Her fractured leg had healed, and she was ready to resume her studies at the university. With a smile on her face, she parked her car, a thoughtful gift from Liam on her 18th birthday, in the university parking lot.

As she stepped out of her car, she greeted the friendly security guard who had become accustomed to her presence. He nodded and returned her greeting with a warm smile. Violet felt a sense of familiarity and comfort in these small interactions.

Walking towards the university building, she couldn't help but notice the curious glances from her fellow classmates. It seemed that news of her injury had spread, and they were genuinely concerned about her well-being. A few of her classmates approached her, expressing their relief to see her back on her feet.

Himani said, "Hey Violet, we heard about your leg. How are you doing now? It's great to see you back!"

Violet replied with a grateful smile, "Thank you so much for your concern mah hammy. I'm doing much better now. The fracture has healed, and I'm excited to be back in class."

Elsa said, "We missed you in the lectures. It wasn't the same without your insights and contributions. I hope you're fully recovered."

Violet nodded appreciatively, "I missed being in class too. It feels good to be back. Thank you for your kind words."

As Violet moves inward with the two that's when Violet's eyes widened in surprise as Matthew collided with her in the bustling hallway. She quickly regained her balance, her confusion evident as she tried to process his excitement but still she couldn't help but notice his excitement and the sparkle in his eyes, "Omg Vi, what a perfect time of your recovery!"

Violet looked at him with a puzzled expression, not fully understanding what he meant, "What do you mean, Matthew? What's going on?"

Matthew's excitement was contagious as he couldn't contain his grin, "Vi, you won't believe it! The cultural management association received an email from the Mexican government. The conflict that was happening in Mexico is over, and they've given us the green light to participate in the championship we've been preparing for!"

Violet's confusion turned into a mixture of surprise and elation.

A mix of surprise and delight washed over Violet's face as the realization sank in. She had almost forgotten about the upcoming championship due to her injury, but now it seemed like fate had aligned perfectly with her recovery, like the timing seemed almost too perfect, considering her recent recovery.

Violet's voice filled with enthusiasm, "That's incredible news, Matthew! I can't believe it. I was afraid I might miss out on the championship, but now I have the opportunity to be part of it!"

Himani and Elsa, who were listening attentively, shared in Violet's excitement. They knew how much the championship meant to her and how disappointed she had been when her injury occurred.

Himani said enthusiastically,"Violet, this is amazing! You've worked so hard for this, and now you get to show your skills on an international stage!"

Elsa agrees,"I'm so happy for you, Violet. Your dedication and determination have paid off. This is your chance to shine!"

As they continued walking to their classroom, Violet's mind raced with anticipation. The opportunity to represent her university and compete in the championship was a dream come true. It was a chance for her to showcase her talent and passion for cultural management.

With each step, Violet's excitement grew, knowing that she had overcome the obstacles and setbacks that came her way. She couldn't wait to share the news with Liam, Franklin, and her other friends, who had been her pillars of support throughout her recovery.

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