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The bell rang, signaling the end of their leisurely stroll, and Liam and Kathy reluctantly held their hands, heading in the directions for their class. Just as they were about to leave the Cafeteria, Tim approached them, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, accompanied by Juliana, Mishel's best friend.

Tim: "Hey, Liam, Kathy! Before you go, we wanted to invite you both to Mishel's birthday party this weekend. She'll be thrilled to have you there!"

Kathy's frustration momentarily faded, replaced by curiosity and a hint of excitement. She glanced at Liam, waiting for his response.

Liam: "Of course! We'd love to come. Mishel's a great friend, and we wouldn't miss her birthday for anything."

Kathy: "Thank you, Juliana. We'd be happy to come and celebrate Mishel's birthday."

Juliana's eyes flickered towards Kathy, her expression filled with an almost mischievous intent. She spoke, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Juliana: "Um, Liam, I hope you don't mind if we invite Violet as well. Mishel and Violet have been friends for so long, and it wouldn't feel complete without her."

Kathy's heart skipped a beat as she caught Juliana's gaze. She couldn't help but wonder if Violet's presence would once again cast a shadow over their relationship. Liam's eyes met Kathy's, his voice filled with reassurance.

Kathy's heart sank, and a tinge of frustration crept back into her voice,"Um, yeah, sure. I don't mind."

Deep down, Kathy couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity. She wondered if Violet's presence would overshadow her once again, and she worried about how she would measure up in the eyes of Liam's friends.

Liam, sensing Kathy's inner turmoil, stepped closer to her, his eyes filled with understanding and reassurance.

Liam: "Don't worry, Kathy. It'll be fine. We'll all be there to celebrate Mishel, and Violet's presence won't change how I feel about you."

Kathy offered a faint smile, grateful for Liam's support and understanding. She took a deep breath, determined to focus on the joyous occasion that lay ahead.

Liam: "No, Juliana, I don't mind at all. Violet is an important person in our lives, and it would be great to have her there. I'm sure Mishel would be happy to see her too."

With a nod of agreement, Juliana's tension eased, and a sense of relief washed over Liam, " Perhaps this was an opportunity to bridge the gap between her and Violet, to find common ground and form a connection of their own." He thought while admiring Kathy.

As Liam and Kathy made their way to their class, Liam couldn't help but think about Violet, " It had been an entire morning since I hadn't seen her. " and a feeling of unease settled in his chest. His mind was filled with memories of their shared adventures and inside jokes, and he wondered how Violet was truly feeling amidst the whispers and speculations.

Lost in his thoughts, Liam's footsteps felt heavy, and his usually confident stride wavered. He yearned for a moment alone with Violet, a chance to address the unresolved tension that lingered between them. But as he entered the classroom with Kathy by his side, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the lesson at hand, knowing that the time would come to confront the situation but first he should focus on Kathy.

Meanwhile, Kathy found herself sitting in her class beside Liam who's holding her hand tightly, her mind drifting to the upcoming birthday party. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have Violet in their midst, to see the person who had once held such a significant place in Liam's life. Her emotions churned, a mixture of curiosity, apprehension, and a tinge of insecurity.

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