Chapter 4: Meeting the Canon

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Hazard appears through the Aurora Curtains.

Hazard: I'm back bitches!!

Soul: Welcome back Hazard

Hazard: What did I miss?

Elsa: What did WE miss?!

Hazard: Sorry dear.

Soul: We reacted to Bardock going to Chaldea, causing a mees the second he set foot there, reunited with Saber, my clone being a fucking idiot, Samson turning into 100 and destroying my entire Theater and Broly giving me a new one as a gift

Broly: Your welcome Soul

Soul: Thank you Broly

Hazard: The fuck do I miss when I'm not here. Also big news!

Broly:What is it?

Dante: You miss lots of shit. And what's the news?

Hazard: Dear? *Looks at Morgan*

Morgan: Everyone............ I'm pregnant.

Soul: What?! Congrats you two!

Morgan: Thanks Soul.

Nero: No fucking way, congrats!

Artoria(Lancer) and Artoria(Lancer Alter) go over and hugs Morgan

Morgan hugs her sisters back and begins to talk to them.

Samson: Congratulations, Morgan.

Morgan: Thank you Samson. You guys should have seen Alex's reaction though.

Hazard: Shudda up! *Looks away embarrassed*

Artoria (Lancer): We're gonna keep you in Camelot during your pregnancy Sister

Hazard: Can you guys keep Tsunade there as well I trust her to look over Morgan and deliver the baby?

Exalted!William: Well, hopefully the pregnancy goes well for you, Morgan.

Artoria(Lancer) and Artoria(Lancer Alter):We will

Morgan: I hope so too.

Hazard: Same here.

Revan:So shall we get started?

Exalted!William: Hold on, are the Remnant group revived?

Hazard: Wait their dead?!

Dante: Yep

Exalted!William: More like, still dead. Their bodies were floating in the remains of the old theater that 100 destroyed.

(Samson looks away, embarrassed.)


Hazard: You want me to bring them back?

Broly:Yes please

Hazard: Wait what about Willow and the Arcs?!

Broly: They're in the Lounge Area

Hazard: Oh thank us. Okay give me second.

With that Hazard used his powers and resurrected everyone from the RWBY verse back from the dead

Hazard: Okay finished.

All if the RWBY Crew took in a lung full of air and they looked around in shock

Weiss: Were... alive?!

Hazard: Sadly

Dante: Ah, the peace and quiet was nice while it lasted

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