10 -"you don't.. want to do that, right?"

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warning(s); selfharm

I've split the original chapter into multiple parts, and I'm going to start making the chapters much shorter.. otherwise this would literally end up 10k words-

also, this is just a reupload, I've just added a few hundred more words to it.


the sharp pains in my body woke me up, as i felt like something impaled my abdomen. i groaned for a moment before opening my eyes. An annoying expression fell on my face as I felt the materials of fabric caress my body uncomfortably.

i carefully sat up, making sure not to be careless with my injuries. although, i do believe i deserve to feel this pain, so perhaps i should let it hurt.

as i let myself wake up completely, i made it over to the bathroom. i found myself staring in the mirror, the bandages covering my body almost entirely. it made me worried, incase the burns were worse than i expected. i decided to check.

carefully, i uncovered the wounds, unwrapping the bandages slowly, as they seemed to be ever so slightly stuck to my body. just how severe were they?!

oh.. that.. i am a fucking pussy. holy shit, do i overreact. why the hell was i making such a big deal out'a it?? i groaned. it's true that my body felt like my entire skin had been ripped down to dermis.. but, the wound looked no deeper than the first layer, it's just, it was over my whole body. well, the pattern wasn't ugly, at least.

my body still wasn't healed completely, so i needed to wrap it back up again. fortunately, i had bandages in the first aid kit i had under the mirror, in the bottom drawer.

though i soon came to realise that i did indeed need to heal it. even a little bit. it was too painful to even move, as whatever material was over it would rub against it and feel like hell..

i had no choice but to use my Quirk. i wasn't gonna let anyone waste their time on me, this was my fault, so i needed to fix it myself.

i breathed in slowly, and out, gaining concentration. to help my focus, i bent slightly to lean on the sink. then, i closed my eyes, attempting to put my mind at ease for the moment.

"..." my breathing was audible, which pissed me off, but i needed not to focus on that. instead, i activated my quirk. fortunately, i was lucky enough to have a general healing Quirk. i needed key focus and attention on it for it to work though. it took a moment, but eventually, i felt my body go all tingly. like pins and needles pricking my skin.

i sighed out, letting my Quirk do what it could. i'd never tried to heal something as bad as this, so i had to focus more than i normally would. i had to stop my mind from racing, which was quite hard.

the tingling against my skin made me want to rip it off, but i had to stay calm and bear with it. as the static began to fade, i looked up. the burn marks were healing ever so slowly. my eyes saw static as they were turning to scars. though, before i could finish the process, my Quirk deactivated.

"ah.. oh well." i said after i tried to use it again. i must have used all of its ability for this.. i wonder when i'd next need it, if it would be working again. my healing Quirk was kind of weird. if i focused enough, then static would slowly cover the injury, and then it would gradually heal it. but i only had limited use before it ran out. if it did, then i wouldn't be able to use it for a certain amount of time depending on how long i used it.

the burns were healed enough, but it felt weird to not have any bandages on it still. so, i took out the ones from the drawer. it took well over 20 minutes to do so, because they were just not cooperating with me, and it was pissing me off.

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