7 -stop stuttering.

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"U-uh,, hello, Mr. Aizawa.." I said, a little confused as to why he was at my door. He then mentioned he was here to talk about the dorms situation, asking if anybody else was home at the moment. I nodded, letting him inside. Quickly getting my mother from her room, she huffed, clearly not wanting to deal with it.

"And who is that?" She asked, pointing over to my home room teacher, then muttering an insult to him that luckily only I could hear. I briefly, and terribly, explained who he was, and seemingly why he was here. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I've already packed his stuff. He can leave." She said, sounding a little keen to get rid of me. I looked over to her, a little hurt by how blunt she was, but expected nothing more from her. Then, looking back at Mr. Aizawa, he had a small shift in facial expression, probably thinking how simple it was to convince her about the dorms.

"You should be able to get your things in tomorrow, or even today, if you want." He stammered ever so slightly, and averted eye contact as the place fell silent. My mother then silently left, walking up the stairs to my room. I turned back around to Mr. Aizawa, hating the situation I was in. I didn't know what my mother was doing, but I could only assume she was grabbing the few boxes I had, so I told Mr. Aizawa that.

It was silent for a moment, none of us knew what to do. And nothing else needed to be said, so we just waited. Eventually my mother had two boxes in tow. Both of us were a little surprised to see her carrying such weight, but I remembered she'd found a grey area in her quirk, and was able to change the way her muscles were, so she was likely making herself stronger than she natural was.

"His stuff is in here. Can he leave now?" She asked, placing the boxes on the counter. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I remember there definitely being more than two boxes.. I don't want her to throw away my stuff just because she deemed it useless. Mr. Aizawa stood still for a moment, gathering that she expected him to take me and my stuff.

"Well, yes, though you'll have to take everything yourself." She made an annoyed sound once she heard that statement. And ushered him out as soon as she could. I glanced out of my door to see my teacher aloof for a moment, before walking towards his car to leave. Jeez, what a great first impression of my mother..

I heard a sigh come from my mother, before she said she was going to put on a movie. "Stay down here, I don't wanna call your name when i have it up." She said, and as much as I hated staying out of my room for longer than five minutes, I had to. So I sat on the couch, not really paying attention to anything but my phone. I left my headphones upstairs, so I was unable to keep any sound on in fear my mother would judge me from what I watch.

Sometimes she'd force me to watch a movie with her, usually a horror, and I had no say in it. At first, I was really pissed when it happened, but i learned to get used to and deal with it. She stayed in the kitchen for a moment, and when she sat next to me on the couch; she handed me a bowl of ice cream.

Now, usually, all foods would make me feel sick, and I'd be unable to eat in front of other people. However, ice cream was an exception. I wasn't exactly sure why, but it just never made me sick, and the texture (granted if it was normal) would feel nice against my tongue. It didn't really matter what flavour it was, though I was quite fond of chocolate.

My mother also seemed to have the same desert, just much less quantity than mine. I turned my phone off as she turned the tv on, I hesitated to ask her something, but it'd been on my mind for a while. I looked over to her, and she had her attention on the tv. For some reason, the simple question just wouldn't come our of my mouth.

"So, do you know what my hero name could be? Or.. or h-how dad got his.?" Finally, I was able to talk, a huge rush of nervousness came over me. I didn't know why I was so nervous to talk to my mother, I mean- she's my mother, I shouldn't be so scared around her.

Bakugou x Male Reader (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now