Intimacy level increased

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"Ị ĥævə ŋœț pəŕịßĥəð ƴəț-"

"Țĥəƴ ðœn'ț ƙŋœẅ țĥæț." I said quickly, cutting him off from saying whatever else he planned on telling me.

His eyes seemed to shift from my own to the fire, worry creating frowning lines on his forehead, he clearly understood what I meant.

His father, the previous king, was know to be sadistic and over-all cruel, he would impale the head of his prisoners and decorate it along his entrances to the kingdom, making it rot for days before families could recover them for burial.

They varied from trators to simple thieves, if he even found someone displeasing, they would suffer the decapitation fate that all who stepped on the kings wrong side did.

If he started to grow bored, he would wage war on random kingdoms, devastating their crop fields and burning their farms before running away like a coward, never actually fighting for real.

When he was finally killed by his huge hunger and was declared dead by chocking, the kingdom and many others around celebrated in triumph.

Sure, no one actually had gotten to kill the mad king, but at least he no longer was a threat to anyone, it was like everyone in the world was relieved of his cruelty.

When his oldest son, Natsuo, tried to take over the throne, he was declared unfit to rule by his mother, who was in her sick bed at the time and still is as of today.

The boy had clear anger issues and seemed to bore absolute hatred for his neighboring kingdoms, causing her to fear he would wage a real war with the Bakugo kingdom and the Yayurozu kingdom.

She chose to put her youngest, Shoto, to rule the kingdom instead, but not many were excited of this news, rumors had already circulated about how he had been raised.

His kingdom feared the day he would awaken like his father.

"Fœŕĝəț ẅĥæț I ßæịð... Ẅə ẅịłł ɓə ɓæçƙ ɓəfœŕə æŋƴțĥịŋğ ĥæppəŋß." I quickly said, seeing the alpha infront of me sigh in what seemed like relief.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed two sticks, digging my canines into the roasted meat, it was very hard when biting into it, but once you tore a piece off and started chewing, the meat was the most tender I had ever eaten.

"Damn that's good..."


We finished up our meal soon enough and packaged the remains into large leaves, putting them in our separate bags for safekeeping and later meals.

"Ÿœū ßĥœūłð ŕəßț." Shoto said to me as I leaned on my elbows, putting my chin in my hand.

"I have rested enough..."

Sure, I was tired, my body ached from the last day's events, but my mind refused to rest.

"You miss Izuku..." He said softly as I nearly slipped out of my hand, giving him a sharp glare, he did not have a right to talk about my omega right now.

"I miss you not speaking to me." I spat out to him, making me huff as he rolled his eyes, pulling out a book to read by the fire.

"You smell of misery. I assumed omega was missed. Maybe am wrong, you suck being mate." He said as my eyes twitched, standing up to make my way over to him, I couldn't believe what he had dared say to me.

"The fuck do you mean by that?"

He sighed and shut his book in a swift closure of his hand, pulling off the reading glasses he had pulled out of his bag before glaring at me.

"You, are unworthy."

Bakugo Castle | 5h47 pm

Kirishima's POV

I sighed as I picked up the tray, making my way to the dungeon, I couldn't believe Masaru had locked up Izuku, I knew our king had a bad temper, but this was pushing it.

"And they say Bakubro holds his temper from his mother..." I mumbled.

I looked down at the small glass of water that accompanied the rusty gray cover that probably hid his meal, I looked around quickly, glancing to see if there was anyone around before lifting the cover, frowning at what lay before me.

In the rusty plate, there lay a slighty old boiled egg, I could tell it was old by how cracked and dried up the egg yolk looked, not to mention the grayish piece of what I assumed was bread that lay besides it.

It was disgusting, to say the least, unworthy of the future Luna, but most importantly, unworthy of my bestfriend's mate.

"Fuck that, I am not serving this to Izuku!" I whispered yelled as I threw it in the trash, sneaking into the kitchen quarters.

Everyone had gone to eat in the main dinning room, and most of the cooks had gone home for the day, so I quickly snatched a bowl and some ingredients, making haste to make a delicious and nutritional meal to help Izuku back on his feet.

If they had fed him this crap in the last few days, then he most likely was sick and on the ground, it made my blood boil, how dare they hurt my bro- future Luna!?

I quickly made some fresh noodles out of flour and water, the white powder flying around as I smacked the noodles against the board to stretch them out, I put them down and sliced them individually before gently putting them aside.

I grabbed a pot, filling it with water before I started adding some ingredients to it, making sure to put spices and some leftover chopped salmon inside of it as it boiled.

It took me a while, but I eventually added a few more ingredients before placing it all in a bowl, finishing it up with a nice sunny side eggs and some chopped green onions.

It took me a while, but I eventually added a few more ingredients before placing it all in a bowl, finishing it up with a nice sunny side eggs and some chopped green onions

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"Perfect for my future Luna." I smiled to myself as I covered it on a tray, making my way towards the dungeon where they kept Izuku.

He would eat like a king tonight.

To be continued...

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