Sighing tiredly, I cleaned my face and brushed my teeth. I looked directly at my reflection.

The soft skin under my eyes looked bruised and dark. My lips were chapped and one faint wrinkle lined the skin between my eyebrows. I ran a hand through my unruly, wavy hair.

Not exactly bridal material, I thought, rolling my eyes.

I applied some eye ointment and moisturizer to my whole face. While I dressed in a loose and flowy dress, my phone rang. I saw my mother's name and answered it.

"Hey, Mom," I said.

"Hey, honey. The florist just got back to me. He can have your and Isabelle's bouquet in time."

"Oh, sweet," I said, already feeling lighter. "How much?"

"Don't worry about it. I already paid."


She laughed. "What, honey? It's your wedding. I'm allowed to help pay."

"My elopement, technically," I said. "Or would it be a micro-wedding? Anyway, not the point. I told you not to pay for anything." I cleared my throat. "Just in case we decide to do, like, a real ceremony someday."

"Oh, Leah. You only live once," she said. "Your wedding day is special and should be unforgettable in whatever way is meaningful to you. But in the end, it really is only one day. You and James will have many more amazing days to come."

She chuckled. "As much as I love your father, our wedding day wasn't the best of my life," she said, and I could imagine the teasing grin on her face. "Not even top two."

"Seriously? What beats your wedding day? You and Dad had a giant wedding!"

"Well, the first was the day you came into the world. But that's why I say, just do what makes you happy."

"What about number two?"

"Oh, just one night your father and I spent in Tuscany for our anniversary," she said, smiling widely. "You should have seen the way he was with me back in the day if you think we're too much now. He used to throw me over his shoulder and carry me around like a caveman. He can be downright savage when he wants to be." She shivered, smiling with a twinkle in her eye.

"Mom, no more!" I said. "I'm traumatized enough as it is!"

Her cackle brought a smile to my face. I always wanted to share a life with someone like my parents did. They loved each other through all that life had thrown at them and never stopped putting each other first.

I felt like that future was very close in reach now. James and I got along so well that imagining a future with him was easy. I couldn't fathom trying to do it with anyone else.

"Now, listen here, hun," she told me. "Since you two are eloping and getting a head start on things, I'd like to get a head start on being a grandma, too. I still have a chance at being that young, hot grandma."

I laughed so hard that I started snorting and my stomach hurt.

Unfortunately, the violence of my laughter seemed to set off a chain reaction in my stomach. I stopped suddenly as bile rose in my throat.

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