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I pushed back from my computer and rubbed my eyelids, careful not to mess up my makeup. My eyes felt like lead weights in my skull.

Stupid blue light.

"Alright, love?"

My hands fell away from my face as I looked up.

James walked into the meeting room with a mug in his hand. He surveyed me from head to toe, concerned.

"I think I need blue light glasses," I grumbled.

"We can order some."

He set his mug down and planted his palms on the table. His fingers were long and lean, the nails cut short and clean.

How did looking at his hands make me instantly horny?

Biting back a smile, I glanced up at him. "So, what's up?"

"Julia has called for a family meeting."

I arched a brow. "What about?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." He shrugged but added, "I suspect this has something to do with Isabelle."

Chuckling, I nodded.

It had been two weeks since Isabelle and Ryan were here. Julia was always texting or calling or FaceTiming Isabelle. They were obsessed with each other. But I guess in a good way.

Isabelle was mildly insane but so was Julia. They both had complicated love lives but somehow they seemed to understand and balance each other.

I was genuinely happy for them.

"Maybe they're getting hitched," I joked.

James shot me a better-the-fuck-not look as we descended the stairs to the bottom floor of the house.

He ran his hand down my back, cupping my ass. I gasped a little and swatted his hand away.

"What?" he groaned. "You know I can't control myself when your wear that damn skirt. Your ass is perfect."

I laughed.

He went on into the living room while I filled a cup of coffee. By the time I joined, he and Isabelle were already arguing about something.

She sat cross-legged on the couch in sweatpants and a sports bra, her hair wrapped up in a ponytail. She wore zero traces of makeup, yet looked like a freaking movie star.

"You've only been talking for two weeks!" James snipped.

Oh boy. So this was definitely about Isabelle.

"Like that matters," Julia scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Look at you two! I don't think you're in any position to be ridiculing my relationship, brother."

I sat on the loveseat and curled my legs under me. "Wow, what did I miss?" I asked.

They both glanced at me for the first time since I stepped in.

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