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I arched a brow in the direction of the bedroom where Leah's furious cursing came from. Walking to the edge of the kitchen, I poked my head into the hall.

"What's wrong, love?" I called.

A lot was huffing and shuffling and I waited for a raging rhinoceros to come charging from the bedroom.

Instead, a flash of golden blonde hair and pouting pink lips crossed my vision.

"I can't get my fucking heels on!" she cried. "And I lost an earring under the bed."

She leaned against the doorway and closed her eyes for a moment.

I stole the opportunity to take in her long lashes and red lips, the way her black sweater left her shoulders bare, and how those black jeans hugged her curvy legs like a second skin. She embodied all things sensual and enticing.

My fingers itched to touch her. Like some magnet between our bodies, her skin sang its siren call.

"Maybe we should just stay in," she groaned.

I was apt to agree, images of my next move flashing through my mind, but the weight in my front left trouser pocket grounded me.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head. I tucked my hands into the front pockets of my jeans and walked towards her.

"No can do," I said. "It's been ages and I've been promising to take you on a proper date for weeks now."

It wasn't an exaggeration either.

Over the last few weeks, the Foundation business gradually escalated. We'd been working long hours to keep up with the load and make sure things were getting done on time.

We'd been traveling a lot, too—Leah, to women's conferences and marketing events; me, to lobby in DC and seek out more investors.

Most of the time, we had enough energy to scrounge dinner together, fuck a few rounds, and drag ourselves to bed.

I wasn't complaining. We were both happy with where life was now. But, I'd been looking for a chance to break the monotony.

I knew what I wanted out of life with Leah Harris. This happiness we found was only the beginning.

Tonight was going to be very special.

I took her hands into mine and kissed her knuckles. Leah's eyelashes fluttered as she peered up at me. Her breathtaking emeralds sparkled in the glow of the hall light. 

"Come," I said softly, leading her back into the bedroom.

I led her to the ottoman at the foot of the bed and sat her on it. Taking the heeled booties, I brought them to her feet.

Fuck, she had such cute little toes. The nails were all trimmed and painted dark red.

I kissed her shin and slipped the shoes on. She uttered a sweet breathless gasp and shivered.

"Now, the earring?" I asked.

She pulled back the curtain of gold hair hanging over her right ear. A small gold hoop hung from her earlobe piercing.

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