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Marco stood outside The Bongo Room, his senses alert to the bustling street before him. He couldn't shake the nagging thought that perhaps he was being followed and that every passerby might conceal a hidden agenda. To shield himself from prying eyes, Marco put on his trusty Ray-Bans, which acted as a shield against the world's probing gaze. With this subtle change in appearance, he hoped to achieve anonymity.

The mid-morning sun bathed the sidewalks in a warm glow, while the aroma of his favorite brewed coffee intermingled with the tempting scent of fresh pancakes and bacon wafted from the restaurant. The fragrance grounded him, a comforting reminder of the present moment amidst his lingering uncertainties.

When Rebecca appeared in the distance, Marco's senses sharpened. He instantly recognized her silhouette against the backdrop of the bustling street. As she drew nearer, her brown hair swayed with each graceful step. A cascade of soft waves framed her face with effortless allure, and the morning light kissed her features, illuminating the delicate contours of her face with a subtle radiance.

It wasn't just her appearance that captivated him; it was the depth of their interactions. She effortlessly unraveled the knots of his thoughts and emotions with a single glance or a gentle touch. In those fleeting moments together, Marco found solace amidst the chaos of his life. There was an inexplicable comfort in her presence, a sense of belonging.

As their eyes locked, he found himself mesmerized by the depth of her gaze. Her eyes revealed a sense of vulnerability and an unspoken request for understanding that tugged at his heartstrings.

Rebecca's voice broke through his reverie, bringing him back to the present. Her tone was cautious as she said, "Hey."

"Hey," Marco replied softly, gesturing towards the entrance of The Bongo Room. "Shall we?"

Rebecca nodded, and they entered the restaurant, finding a secluded corner table away from other patrons. For a moment, silence hung between them like a heavy shroud, each lost in their thoughts. Marco studied Rebecca's face, noting the faint lines of exhaustion etched beneath her eyes, the tension that lingered in the set of her shoulders.

"Something's up," he thought.

"Have you eaten here before?" Marco asked, his question carrying a hint of unease. Though he tried to appear casual, his doubts lingered beneath the surface. He was tempted to reveal the unsettling details of the FBI's involvement, but hesitated, considering the implications of such a disclosure.

Rebecca's gaze flickered away before meeting his. "No," she replied, her voice carrying a weight he couldn't quite decipher. "But I hear good things."

The ambiance of The Bongo Room enveloped them, the gentle hum of chatter and the aroma of fresh eggs and pancakes created a sense of intimacy amidst the bustling atmosphere.

A male waiter instantly approached their table with a notepad and pen in hand to take their orders. "Good morning, folks. Welcome to The Bongo Room. Can I start you off with some drinks?" The waiter greeted, his voice warm and inviting.

Marco glanced at Rebecca, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. "Just coffee for me, please," he said, his tone calm yet decisive.

Rebecca nodded in agreement. "Same for me too, thank you," she added, her voice tinged with a hint of weariness.

The waiter scribbled down their orders before offering a polite smile. "Two coffees, coming right up," he said before disappearing into the bustling kitchen.

As they waited, Marco removed his sunglasses and stole glances at Rebecca, his gaze lingering on her profile. There was vulnerability in her expression, he couldn't help but wonder what thoughts occupied her mind, what burdens she carried hidden behind the veil of her guarded facade.

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