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Rebecca Caruso

The Golden Basket was my sanctuary, a haven tucked away from the outside world. Within its walls, time seemed to slow down, and unique moments intentionally stretched out.

The tantalizing aroma of sizzling bacon, freshly brewed coffee, and delicate pancakes enveloped my senses, evoking a comforting wave of nostalgia.

Damn, how much I missed this place.

This cherished spot, with its alluring scents and warm ambiance, became mine and my brother's personal place of solace since our mother's death. Any time Rafael and I reconvened here, it brought forth a fresh wave of experiences, happiness, and love.

On this particular occasion, it was the echoes of our boisterous laughter reverberating through the air as we recalled Christopher's proposal antics from the night before.

Amidst the chaos, Rafael unintentionally spewed coffee across the table, causing me to erupt into uncontrollable laughter that resonated throughout the bustling eatery.

Grabbing a handful of napkins, I hurriedly wiped the splattered drink off my face, struggling to stifle my giggles. Thank goodness there was more milk than coffee in that thing.

Flushed with embarrassment, I watched as my brother wiped his mouth and chuckled sheepishly. "Seriously...he drank it!" he exclaimed, his tone a mixture of incredulity and amusement.

Grinning mischievously, a mix of amusement and excitement coursing through me, I shot back, "And finished it ALL." My laughter echoed, adding to the lively atmosphere of the bustling eatery.

"No?!" Rafael arched an eyebrow, his curiosity sparked, and reclined comfortably in the booth. "All the beer? Ew, that's fucking disgusting."

"I know, right?" I agreed, sharing his revulsion. "I tried to reason with him, told him about Ryan Renolds and Waiting, but noooo, he's just too—,"

"Stubborn!" we both concluded in fits of laughter.

Our plates were finally delivered to the table; piled high with delectable stacks of chocolate chip pancakes, dripping with syrup, butter, powdered sugar, and whipped cream; a truly indulgent late-night dinner delight.

As we savored each mouthwatering bite, our laughter subsided, and a comfortable silence settled between us.

Rafael took a deliberate sip of his freshly poured coffee, relishing its flavor as he cleared his throat. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned in, "So then what? You and Chris went your separate ways and you somehow reintroduced yourself to pretty-boy Marco?" 

"Yeah, something like that," I lied, a smirk playing on my lips. I paused, taking a moment to sip my coffee and relish its warm embrace.

Rafael's curiosity lingered in the air, evident in his expectant expression, urging me to share more.

"I legit had a couple of drinks with him, we chatted," I explained, glancing at Rafael. "Marco offered to chauffeur me home; I mean, you know how unreliable the CTA can be after hours. In my drunken state, the idea seemed great at the time."

A chuckle escaped me, accompanied by a tinge of embarrassment coloring my cheeks. "I even remember texting you about it. But, you know me, Raffie—reality sank in, I legit then hopped into the first cab I saw."

"Uh-hua," Rafael narrowed his eyes playfully, his gaze filled with playful skepticism. "So that's it? You just ditched the guy?" he prodded, his curiosity still unsatisfied.

I tried to suppress the grin that had betrayed my composure. "Yeah. Pretty much."

"Hmm...and here I thought you slept with him," Rafael leaned back in his chair, a mixture of amusement and anticipation in his eyes.

"What?!" I exclaimed, caught off guard by Rafael's assumption. "No, no, it wasn't like that at all!" I protested, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up my neck.

Rafael burst into laughter, his infectious chuckles filling the air around us. "Relax, I'm just fucking around," he said, finally regaining his composure. "But seriously, Becca, you need to reconsider this whole relationship with Chris. It's not healthy and I ain't buying it."

"I dunno... I mean, I do love him in a way," I replied, emphasizing the finality in my tone. "We've known each other for so long, and I just feel too comfortable now, you know?"

Rafael leaned back in his chair, studying me intently. "Look, comfort shouldn't be the sole reason to stay in a relationship. You deserve more than just familiarity. You need someone who challenges you, supports you, and brings out the best version of yourself. Not some backstabbing bitch who gaslights and ignores you until time is at their convenience. Seriously though, when was the last time you had a good fuck?"

"C'mon! That's personal." I interjected, feeling a mix of defensiveness and vulnerability. 

"See what I mean," he leaned forward, his voice now gentle yet firm. "Change can be daunting, and it's natural to feel apprehensive about starting over. Trust me, been there, done that. Staying in a rut just because it's comfortable can hold you back from so many incredible experiences and orgasms."

I hesitated, uncertain about taking such a leap of faith.

"Look, you still have four months left in your suspension. Pull a Ross and Rachel, take a break," he continued a playful twinkle in his eyes. "I just so happen to know a hetero who is completely head over heels for you."

His suggestion caught me off guard, "What?" 

Rafael grinned mischievously, "Marco Montanari."

"You asshole," I exclaimed, my frustration evident as I instinctively tossed a soaked pancake at Rafael. He skillfully dodged the flying pastry, causing it to land on the booth beside us.

"Just listen for a sec, Becca," Rafael said, his voice earnest as he quickly pulled out his iPad. He opened the screen, revealing a display of backend search data, dates, and forms. "Look!"

My anger momentarily subsided, curiosity replacing it as I peered at the screen: Rebecca+Caruso; Beck+Caruso; Tribune+Caruso Daughter; Caruso Suspension; Image+Caruso+Rebecca; Chico+Caruso; Avondale+Caruso; Rebecca+Caruso+Age; Caruso+Chicago +History; Rebecca +Caruso +Social...

"What's this? What am I looking at here?" I asked, my tone softer now, a hint of intrigue creeping in.

"His search history," Rafael confirmed with a knowing smile.

"Marco's?" I questioned, feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"As of three hours ago," Rafael nodded, his eyes twinkling mischievously.  A flush of embarrassment spread across my cheeks as I processed the implications. Was this before I got to the Alcove? 

"Hold up, you hacked him!" I exclaimed, the revelation hitting me like a sudden gust of wind. My eyes widened as I turned to Rafael, a mix of disbelief and curiosity etched on my face. "What the fuck, Raffie?"


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