Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Incoming!" Benz exclaimed as he stumbled into the living room, carrying a box full of party accessories that obstructed his view.

Somehow, without knocking anything over or running into anyone, Benz managed to place the box on the coffee table.

"I see you're still making us keep up with tradition," Fluke said as they pinned the last of the decorations to the living room walls.

"What tradition?" Nine asked, looking inside the box.

Benz smiled. "Every New Year's Eve, anyone who joins our party must wear an accessory for their entire stay. If they're caught without their accessory, they have to do a dare assigned by the person who caught them."

"He's leaving out the part where you can sabotage another person by stealing their accessory and hiding it," Leo pointed out, wrapping an arm around Nine's shoulder. "I'd stay clear of Benz tonight if I were you."

Benz clutched his chest in mock offense. "You would choose your boyfriend over me? Leo, how could you? I thought we were friends."

"I already told Maze about this a few days ago," Fluke pointed out, reaching for Maze's outstretched hand as they hopped off the stepladder. "I guess you can add me to the list of friends betraying you."

Benz huffed as he grabbed a gold and silver sequined top hat from the box, placing it on his head with purpose.

"I hope you are all aware that I will get my revenge, no matter what. None of you are safe."

The others laughed as Benz left the room dramatically before taking a peek inside the box. Fluke happily put on the tiara that spelled out Happy New Year. Maze settled for the Happy New Year glasses. Nine opted for the black and gold party hat.

Leo shook his head as he secured the gold sequined necktie in place. "You all are making this too easy to win with picking accessories that are so easy to steal."

Fluke scoffed. "This tiara is staying right here until the final guest goes home. I'd love to see you try and take it from me."

"Game on."

Nine caught the look in Fluke's eyes as Leo grabbed his hand and led him out of the living room. In that moment, Nine decided which team he was on. This was going to be fun.

A short while later, music filled the walls of the house as the group laughed and danced around the living room, now joined by Prat, Zol and Mesa. Nine loved seeing his friends happy, but he still felt a pang in his chest knowing the group wasn't complete.

"The night is still young, Nine," Maze said as he sat on the couch next to Nine. "When I asked Del if she was coming tonight, she said she'd think about it. That's not a no."

"I know that. I just miss all of us being together."

"So do I. She'll come back when she's ready."

Benz popped up from behind the couch, blowing a party horn in between Nine and Maze, making them jump.

"Maze, my friend. Unfortunately, you have lost the game."

"What?" Make reached up to find that the glasses were in fact no longer on his face. "I don't even remember taking them off."

Leo laughed, pulling the glasses out of his back pocket. "I warned you. Now you have to do what I ask."

"Fine," Maze grumbled. "What's the dare?"

Before Leo could respond, a soft knock came to the door. Fluke hurried over to answer it, revealing Del standing on the other side.

Nine stood up quickly, a smile forming on his face. "You came," he exclaimed.

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