Chapter Ten

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"That Leo boy seems to be pretty popular," Del said later that night as she, Maze and Nine sat eating pizza in Maze's and Nine's apartment.

Nine attempted to keep a neutral expression on his face as he took another bite. "What do you mean?"

"I overheard some of the girls talking earlier," Del explained. "They were giggling and whispering about how handsome he is. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them start hitting on him when classes begin."

Nine wasn't jealous. That knotted feeling in the pit of his stomach? Definitely not jealousy.

Sure, Nine has shared history with Leo. History that involves a kiss, but that's in the past.

It's not like Nine never moved on. He had a boyfriend for almost a year. In the beginning, Nine was happy in that relationship. But then during last Christmas break, everything crumbled apart, and it wasn't the smoothest breakup.

"How do you know Leo?" Del eventually asked. "You said it's been eight years since you've seen each other."

Nine nodded. "We were childhood friends."

"What happened eight years ago?"

Not wanting to go into detail, Nine simply shrugged. "Life."

Del could sense there was more to the story than Nine was saying, but she didn't want to push him. She also was a little scared of finding out what the truth was. Turning her attention to Maze, Del changed the subject while Nine sat there contemplating what could happen now that he and Leo were reunited.

Nine doesn't expect things to go back to the way it was when he and Leo were kids. How could it? They don't even know who the other person is now. A lot can change in eight years.

But as Nine ate dinner with his two friends, he kept thinking about Leo's number stored away in his phone. A way to a fresh start.

Nine chuckled lightly to himself, unnoticed as Maze and Del continued talking.

This would be his and Leo's third fresh start. If fate was kind to them, maybe this would be the last one that would lead them to the future they were meant to have. Whatever future that might be.

Once all the pizza was consumed and Del departed to her own apartment two floors down, Nine and Maze sat on the couch in momentary silence.

"Today was something else," Maze said, letting out a breathy sigh.

"If you would have told me that's how it would go, I wouldn't have believed you."

Maze looked over at Nine, a thoughtful smile on his face.

"Have you texted him yet?"

Nine shook his head. "No. I don't really know what to say."

"Hello? How are you doing?" Maze suggested. "Anything along those lines would work."

"We've already said those things to each other."

Playfully, Maze fluffed Nine's hair. "You are absolutely hopeless."

"I am not," Nine exclaimed as he smacked Maze's shoulder.

"Nine, things change every minute of every day. How Leo felt at the university might not be how he feels now, hours later. You won't know unless you ask."

"I know that, you jerk. It's just..."

Maze watched as Nine's expression changed, understanding dawning on him.

"Ah, I get it," Maze said, wrapping his arm around Nine's shoulder. "You don't know what to say because years of guilt is eating away at you."

Nine leaned his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes. He knew this would always be part of the equation if he and Leo ran into each other again. The guilt, the feeling of needing to come clean.

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