Chapter Eleven

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"I can't believe we're arriving early," Del said in amazement a couple of blocks away from the university.

Nine nodded in agreement, doing everything he could to keep his leg from jiggling anxiously. Maze sat on the bus next to him, smiling proudly.

Leo had texted Nine early that morning, asking if he could walk Nine to class. A perfectly normal friend thing to do, by the way.

When Nine told Maze about the text over breakfast, Maze was ready to go within ten minutes. He had finished getting ready even before Nine had, colorful socks and all.

Nine managed to breathe normally again by the time the bus made it to their stop. If only he could stop his face from heating up.

When the trio got off the bus, Nine looked down the street to find Leo, Fluke and Benz waiting. With his back turned, Leo hadn't noticed Nine approaching yet.

"Would you look at that," Maze said in the most exaggerated shock he could muster. "It's your old friend, Nine. We should go say hello."

Nine smacked Maze's shoulder with a little more force than normal, thankful they weren't close enough for Leo to hear.

Del looked at the two boys in confusion.

"I feel like I'm missing something, which as your friend, makes me feel left out."

She said it with a playful pout, but Nine knew there was some honesty to Del's words. There have been a few moments like this since she joined the friend group a year ago, and Nine feels a little guilty about it.

Sensing the same thing, Maze stops walking and wraps his arm around Del's shoulder.

"Okay, quick rundown for you. Leo's an old friend of Nine's, which he briefly mentioned last night. They are now reconnecting, and as Nine's two best friends, we are going to help that happen."

"Thank you so much for the update, Maze," Del said as she pinched Maze's side. "You really are too kind."

Nine rolled his eyes before continuing down the street. Fluke saw them first and tapped Leo on the shoulder, making him turn around in time to see Nine approach.

"Good morning," Leo said, trying to keep his voice even.

Nine smiled brightly. "Good morning to you. Sleep well?"

"Yes." Leo actually barely slept, replaying his conversation with Nine over and over again in his head. But he didn't feel like explaining that in front of anyone else. "How about you?"

"I slept fine. I was a little anxious about starting classes."

That was only a half truth, but Nine was also not in a sharing mood. Aware of the four other pairs of eyes watching them, Nine motioned to his friends.

"Leo, these are my friends, Maze, whom you met yesterday, and Del."

Del waved politely. "Hi."

"It's good to see you again, Leo," Maze said with a knowing smile.

"Good to see you, too. And nice to meet you, Del," Leo replied before gesturing to his friends. "This is Fluke and Benz."

"Nine and I are well acquainted with each other," Fluke said, resting an arm on Leo's shoulder. "Though it is nice to officially put a face with a name."

"Yeah, we've heard a lot about you," Benz added.

"All good things, I hope," Nine said, giving up on trying to keep himself from blushing.

"I feel like it would be more fun to keep you guessing about that," Benz teased, earning a playful smack from Leo.

"Leave him alone. Don't worry, I've never said a bad thing about you," Leo told Nine reassuringly.

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