The Worst Spirit and the Kindest Demon King

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"Tomorrow?" Kurumi questioned outside her locker, looking over at (Y/N) who had just invited her to go out in the city the very next day.

"Yeah. I was thinking that, if you're free, I could show you around the city and help you learn your way around like I did with the school." (Y/N) affirmed

"So are you..." Kurumi began, before smiling and gaining a very light blush "...asking me out on a date?"

"I suppose you could call it a date." (Y/N) admitted "So, what do you say?"

"Of course! I'd be honoured." Kurumi accepted

"Then how about we meet....10:30 tomorrow in front of the Tengu Station ticket office. It's a fairly central area so it means there are options on where we can check out first." (Y/N) suggested

"Certainly." Kurumi agreed, bowing "I'll be looking forward to it!"

Kurumi then proceeded to run home as (Y/N) began to remember the discussion he had with Kotori and Reine back in the Physics Prep room.


"Takamiya Mana killed Tokisaki Kurumi, so we don't yet understand why she's alive." Reine stated

"But as long as she is, we're going forward with the plan." Kotori affirmed "You've got tomorrow off since it's the school's anniversary, so go ask Kurumi out on a date (L/N)!"

"I suppose it's the only way forward." (Y/N) sighed "We don't even know her spirit identifier or her angel, but it almost certainly has something to do with why she's still alive after being killed. I'll just have to be careful then, since if the AST see her walking around with me then they probably won't be able to resist trying to take us both out."

"Exactly, I'm glad you understand." Kotori admitted "As well as that, there's no guarantee that she'll come back to life again."

"Tobiichi Origami should have already informed the AST that Tokisaki Kurumi is alive." Reine added "Naturally, that includes Takamiya Mana."

"And if she finds Kurumi. . .then it might be game over. And we won't have any continues to use in that scenario." (Y/N) finished

Three groups caught in conflict. Each unknowing of the other's plans. The chances of any of the following event being planned, are none at all.

Timestamp 0:25 for the start of the actual song)

Catch it in an instant! Are you ready? (Are you lazy?)

(Y/N) can be seen catching the Zi-O ridewatch as he walks down the street towards Raiden High.

That's where the new history is! Feel it! Feel it! (Crazy baby!)

Panels of Geiz and Tsukuyomi fly past as Woz, holding the Oma Advent Calendar, turns the page to reveal new images of Shido, Kotori, Tohka, Yoshino and Origami with a 6th page having a silhouette of Kurumi's human appearance.

Use your bonds of light to accelerate.....

Timejackers Heure and Ora head past as they are followed by the Another Riders seen in the story so far as a Schwartz holds an Anotherwatch with the number 2009 on it.

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