A close re-encounter! The five second battle!

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We begin roughly the same time as we left off in the previous chapter, with (Y/N) searching for his Ziku Driver but coming up with nothing and being forced to head home empty handed.

He had no idea where Shido was, he was probably going through more training with Kotori, but when (Y/N) arrived home he noticed something was off.

The front door was open and slightly ajar. Somebody had gotten into his house. As he quietly opened the door and slowly walked in, he noticed that things had been....tidied since he left this morning?

Why had the intruder tidied his house? Unless it was....

"Greetings, My Demon King."

"AAAAAA-" (Y/N) screamed as he jumped and turned around to be met with none other than Woz, who had clearly just finished cleaning, before letting out a sigh. "Oh, Woz, it's only you."

"Of course it is." Woz replied, seemingly slightly confused at (Y/N)'s over the top reaction to his arrival. "Who else would it be?"

"You left the door open you idiot, I thought somebody had broken in." (Y/N) stated as he put his bag on the table and began to unpack, placing the Zi-O and Kabuto ridewatches which he had taken to school with him back on the table.

"Oh, I see, my apologies my Demon King." Woz gave a bow of apology. "If I may, does it not seem foolish to only take two ridewatches with you given the situation?

Another Blade must deem the use of Zi-O II at the least-"

"If I take too many ridewatches with me, then they'll send more people after me Woz." (Y/N) stated as he continued to unpack. "I don't know why, but in this world either me or the ridewatches give off spiritual energy. While the amount is small, AST were able to notice it during that last spacequake.

If I take them all with me, that's a bigger signature for them to track, which means I'm putting those around me in danger.

You've known me long enough to know that I don't want to put those around me in unnecessary danger, right Woz?" (Y/N) stated as he looked at his supporter from 2068. It was Woz who first gave him the Ziku Driver all those cycles ago, but he still didn't blame him. After all, Geiz would have certainly killed him had it not been for the belt.

"Of course, my Demon King, forgive my ignorance on this matter." Woz stated as he bowed again, but (Y/N) simply picked him up from his bow.

"Stop doing that Woz." (Y/N) stated as he clapped a hand to Woz's back "We're friends after all. And as friends, I'll let you live with me on the condition that you listen to what I say, don't reveal my identity as Zi-O and help me out around here.

After all.....we both know I'm hopeless at doing home stuff. Who knows how I've managed for so long in this life?"

Woz gained a small smile at this and nodded. "Of course, my Demon King, but if I may....why keep your identity a secret?"

"Because, Woz, I was never meant to become Zi-O in this world. But now....I will become a King again.

However I won't put my friends in danger this time, by making sure they don't get involved."

As (Y/N) said this, Woz nodded and the scene fades to black.


(Y/N) was in the Ratatoskr surveillance area in the school as he was holding back laughter after Shido thought that Reine was going to kiss him when she put some sort of earpiece into his ear.

Kotori was also unimpressed by this, as she walked over. "What the heck are you doing, Captain Delusional?

We're going to be starting stage two of the training: practice."

The screen then cuts to (Y/N) keeled over from laughter as Shido was being made to flirt with Tamae as his plan, however Kotori sighed at this and turned around.

"I get watching my idiot brother fail romantically is funny and all, but can you try not to laugh so loudly (L/N)? We need to keep this place secret."

"Right, right, I'm sorry it's just-

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