🟣💔🌸 A 1am Visit (Donnie x Reader)

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(SO, you and Donnie kinda had that love hate relationship so like you'd get all up his case if things weren't perfect since that's how you were raised...Everything had to be perfect...Boldness during the fanfic is texting)

Disclaimer ~ Contains, Mention of Parent arguments, School stress, Parent's expecting a golden child and A's only, Verbal abuse and Mental abuse.

S/N - Siblings name
F/D - Favorite Drink

2nd Person POV

You laughed as Donnie was confused on how you beat him, he had challenged you to an IQ test and you had done it perfectly "AH, come on---" he said as you stood there victorious.

"Ha! I win!" You said happily and looked back at him as he sat there confused and took a breath as he wasn't gonna give up yet-

You giggled amused at how determined he was to try and beat you, you smirked at him "Ok- But don't expect a different outcome-" you said, and he chuckled as he went to restart the game, but your phone buzzed making you check it and see it was a text message from your father telling you to come home.

"Sorry Don-- But this might have to wait till tomorrow--" You said, and he huffed "Really? I was looking forward to being victorious this round-" He said, and you laughed "Yeah right-" you said as you gathered your belongings, "You've never beaten me at this game-" you reminded and Leo popped his head in "Aw, Y/n... Leaving already?" He asked throwing an arm around your shoulder, "I wanted a round- No one can beat this champion!" He said and you rolled your eyes removing his arm "Yeah right-" You said "You say that every day and nothing has changed! See ya-" you said, and the twin's waved bye to you!

Leo looked to Donnie who was turning the game off and chuckled "Dooooooonnie!" He said and Donnie deadpanned as he knew what was coming "You totally like them--- You never hangout with someone that much--" He said and Donnie sighed as he ended up spilling to Leo his feelings for you while he was ranting about something... "Nardo, we've been over this--" he said and Leo chuckled "Yeah, Yeah- When you gonna spill the beans to them?" He asked and Donnie hummed taking out a letter he had written for you confessing and when Leo saw it he perked up meaning it'd be giving to you soon right? "WOW- You actually took mine and Micheal advise--" Leo said impressed with himself mostly, Donnie rolled his eyes and went to his lab to get away from Leo's teasing.

You made your way home it was sprinkling a bit and you didn't have a hoodie on, so you rushed home, you got to your front door and quickly went inside you didn't see anyone or hear anything so you went to see if S/N was awake, sure it was only 7:30 but nothing was impossible, You knocked on their door and heard nothing so you knocked again and said their name gently too this time. They came to the door with headphones around their neck and a few dried-up tears, you noticed, and they let you in, you quickly set your things down and looked to them "What's wrong?" You asked and they frowned "Mom and Dad are arguing again..." They said and you sighed "Have you eaten anything?" You asked and they shook their head no "Ok...Put your headphones back on and I'll make you something...Ok?" You said and they nodded thanking you and gave you a quick hug so you could come back to the safety of the room quickly...

You went out and to the kitchen to make so food doing something simple like subs and then you also grabbed a few snacks and drinks as you also had a miny refrigerator in your room so you could have cold drinks without going out of your room.

You made both of you two subs as they were kinda small even with a bunch on it, You then got baggies and put the sandwiches in there and then grabbed a paper bag putting some bottled water in there, a bunch of your F/D in there and a bunch of S/N F/D in there as well then got different snacks like Goldfish, Cheezets, Crackers, Chips, fruit snacks anything you could find really since your parents could be arguing for days if wanted...You did feel relieved that you had a bathroom in your room that had a shower...You grabbed that bag and went upstairs again going into your room and setting the stuff down leaving the door opened and going across the hall to S/N's room "Hey, in my room-" You told them and they nodded going into your room, You grabbed a few shirts, pants, underwear and socks for them and then their shower stuff as well, sure their room was only across the hall but you both felt more comfortable with the door lock and not needing to go out during this time...You went back into your room and closed the door locking it too and then organizing what you could.

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