❤️💔🌸The Stress of the Oldest (Raph x Reader)

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Readers POV:

I was on my way to the lair to check on Raph and the other's, April texted they had just defeated shredder and all of them are really hurt especially Raph, He had taken a hit for Donnie well he was unable to move out of the way.

I arrived at the lair and headed to the living room, Donnie was redoing Mikey's bandages and Leo brought Master Splinter some tea and April helping Donnie wrap up Mikey, but I didn't see Raph.

"Is everyone gonna be, ok???" I questioned holding my bag handle with a death grip.

"Uh, we will be better in a couple days but Raph uh... He needs you right now..." My heart sunk at Leo's words, his usual cocky tone was gone and replaced a sadder tone in mention of his brother's stat.

"W-Where is he?" April pointed to his room, and I practically ran there. His door was closed but not locked so I opened it slowly and quietly it was pitch black, but I could clearly see Raph's silhouette laying on his bed, but he didn't notice me. Once my eyes adjusted, I was able to make out the room layout, He was curled up on his bed and I heard quiet sobs coming from him that couldn't be heard outside, it broke my heart into pieces never have I seen him so...down and hopeless.

"Babe?" I quietly spoke and he tensed up, He turned his head and saw me standing by the door.

"Y-Y/n?? What are you doing here?" He sat up and wiped his tears away I walked over to the side of his bed and sat down.

"I heard about the fight and wanted to check up on you..." I scanned his bandaged body, His arms wrapped top to bottom, His chest wrapped up to his neck and down to his hips but only the front.

"When was the last time you changed you bandages?" I asked and watched him nervously look at me.

"Um, I haven't in about 6 hours..." He said quietly and my eyes widen.

"What? Aren't you supposed to change them every 3 hours?? You could get an infection!" He nodded and looked down.

"I'll redo them for you, on 1 condition..." I cupped his face and made him look at me, His eyes were puffy filled with sadness...

"Tell me what's wrong... I can tell something's bothering you" my heart ached at his state.

"Alright... I suppose I can't really hide it from you" I smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

I left and got some spare bandages and Hydroperoxide, I came back and had Raph sit up and face the wall.

"So, Teddy Bear... I won't make you talk but if you are willing, I think it may make you feel a bit better getting it off your shell." He sighed 

"Ok...As you know we fought Shredder" I hummed in response as I unwrapped his old bandages on his arms, his wounds still looked fresh, I poured some oxide on a cotton ball and started cleaning his wound.

"Well during the fight...Donnie almost got killed, He's a soft-shelled turtle so it wouldn't take much plus his battle shell fell off..." I heard the sadness in his voice he was so worried about his brother's being killed he didn't even think about his own life...

"Then Mikey got hurt and so did Leo, I-I just froze up. Didn't know what to do..." I to grab the bandages and looked at his face, he looked so...Down like he was in so much despair...He hissed in a bit of pain as the oxide started cleaning up his wounds.

"M-Maybe I shouldn't be leader but I'm the oldest... I've got to be responsible, trustworthy, all that it's just... so much to deal with and-" He cut himself off, went silent and limp as I bandaged his arm up.

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