chapter 0

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As I walked through the hallways of my school. I felt the uneasy attention of my classmates. no one liked me I was a like germ to this school. I went to my locker putting in the code. I opened it looking for my book. I heard footsteps behind me. pushed me against my locker. I screeched "Ah!" "Shut up whore!" the girl yelled.  I struggled in her grasp. "Stop struggling you whore!" she yelled in my face. I stopped finally. and breathed out. "My boyfriend has been staring at you and your fucking whore ass short skirt!" I froze "I-I," I say she slaps me. "We don't need fucking whores in our school."   I felt tears prick my eyes. "What if you did all a favor and killed yourself," she said. Those words hit like bullets to a heart. She pushed off of me. Making me slide to the floor. She spit at me and the rest of her crew laughed at me. As they were leaving yelling things at me like. 'whore' 'slut' 'kill yourself' and so much more...

I sat on the floor for a while. Breathing slowly, they have been treating me like this for a while. ever since my brother broke up with her. oh, yea I forgot to tell you, her name. Her name is Elena Waters. She bullies me because of my brother. My brother and her used to be a thing not until he cheated on her. And then got mad and decided to bully me. Even after she got a new boyfriend, she still bullies me. All because my brother cheated on her. I don't know why she chose to bully me. I have had nothing to do with it. I stood up looking at the ground. I looked back up and saw my brother talking with his friends. I saw him give a glance at me and then back to his friends. He didn't even care... He was the reason for my bullying, and he didn't even try to stop it. Maybe he felt pity for Elena after cheating so he let her bully me. I felt lost. I felt the need to scream and shout. I looked at the floor tears coming down my face. My breath came off shaking. I balled up my fists. Closing my locker and walking to my next class.

I walked inside the classroom. Sitting down at my desk. sighing grabbing my book opening it. I waited for class to start. I heard snickering from my classmates. And the laugh in Elena's voice. I saw the teacher walk in. He set his stuff down and said, "Alright class open your books to page 204." I flipped through the pages and made it to the page number. 

The class was almost over. Thankfully the bell was about to ring so I closed the book. And the bell finally came off and I zoomed out of the classroom. I went to my locker placing my book inside it. and grabbing my stuff. Deciding to skip school. I walked to the front doors leaving. I stomped down the school stairs leaving onto the sidewalk. I didn't know where I was going to go but all I knew was that it would not be here. I kept walking until I saw a gas station. I walked past the road. Into the gas station. I heard the cashier say 'Hi.' and I smiled in response. I walked to the drink area. Grabbing a red bull.  And walking to the cashier and setting the drink down. He scanned it and said "1.36 please" I grabbed five dollars out of my backpack. Handing it to him "Keep the change" I say. He smiles knowing he got free money. I grabbed the red bull and walked out of the gas station. Where should I go now? To the skate park? Yea, that sounded nice. So, I started my journey to the skate park. 

After a while of walking. I finally made it there. Zero kids were here but a few druggies. I went to the bench and sat down. Opening my red bull and taking a sip. I began to think my life was shitty...  Did I deserve these things? I stared at the ground. With red bull in hand. If I were walking past me, I would think. 'Wow, she must be going through it.' The sad part about the bullying is that me and Elena were best friends.  I was the one who even got Elena and my brother together. Maybe she hated me because I got them together in the first place. Maybe she thinks I'm the reason for the heartbreaking cheater brother. But all I know is I cannot change what she thinks of me now. I just have to deal with it. I even confronted my brother about what he had done to her. 

(Two months ago) 

"YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS TO HER" I shouted at him. "I can and I already have," he said cockily. "SHE LOVES YOU" I yell louder. "Geez calm down sissy. She got boring. " My eyes widen, and my face is full of disgust " WHAT THE HELL IT DON'T MEAN CHEAT ON HER" I shout again. I scoff feeling disgusted about him. Feeling bad for Elena I leave his room and go to my room where Elena is heartbroken. "Hey... are you doing ok El?" I say softly. Her eyes look devasted and she looks at me. Her devasted eyes turn into ones of rage. "Am I ok? Am I OK? HOW THE FUCK AM I OK" I flinch at her yelling. "HE FUCKING CHEATED AND I LOVED HIM" Her voice roared with anger. "I am sorry..." I say feeling sad. "FUCK YOUR SORRY YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOT ME WITH HIM!" She screamed and ran towards me hitting me in the face. I fell to the floor and screeched in pain. She spits on me "I never want to see your face again" she says before she marches out of my room. I put my hand on my cheek where the stinging hurts. And I look at the wall across from me shocked.


And that is when the hell started. She blamed me. I took another sip of my red bull. Sighing it was getting dark already. How long was I out here? I grabbed my backpack heading home. I kept walking. Until I heard voices... no Elena's voice... and her crew. I quickly hid behind a wall nearby. Watching them talking I heard Elena. " I fucking hate y/n" I heard her crew agree. "She is such a waste of space no one likes whores" One of them said. I felt my breathing stop. They eventually walked past where I was. And I walked out of my hiding spot. continuing walking to my home. I felt myself crying. I couldn't stand this anymore... It had to end. It just had to. 

I finally made it home opening the door walking in. I saw my parents talking to my brother. I heard them praise him for being such a caring boy and doing great at school. Only if they knew. I walked in and I saw their attention rise to me. My brother turned around. "Where have you been y/n?" My father said "I was at the skate park" I say. "You are supposed to be at school." My mother says with a scoff of disappointment. I saw my brother smirking a bit. "I was at school for a bit I just needed a breath." My mom's eyes glare at me. "You should be more like your brother he does good at school. And look at you. Your skipping class to go 'have a breath'" she says with venom in her voice. "I am sorry," I say. "I don't need your sorry. I need a kid who will grow up and do actual good. Not one who will end up on the streets." I nod walking away feeling the glares from my parents. Before I go up the stairs, I hear my mom mutter 'I wish I never had her' I froze there. I felt no more tears. My tears ran out. I didn't feel sorry anymore. I felt nothing. As I walked up the stairs to my room. I opened the door. Shutting it. And locking it. I walked over to my desk. Looking at all the photos of me and my family. I looked so happy. I then sighed. They would be happier without me. Maybe Elena was right. Killing myself was a good option. I started to smile. I went to my bedroom desk and opened the drawer. Grabbing a blade. I went to my bedroom door. Unlocked it and opened it leave the room. I walked to the bathroom. Closing it. I walked to the bathtub. Sitting down beside it. I looked at the blade in my hand.

Should I do it? Will it actually make my family happy again? Maybe I don't know I can not live this life anymore. I just can't... I took the blade and placed it on my wrist. Diving it into my wrist. Making my arm bleed. I didn't even feel the pain. I felt freedom. I kept cutting and cutting. My whole arm was cut up. I then began to cut my other arm. I felt myself losing blood. My other arm was bloody. I felt my breathing slowing. I breathed out. Setting the blade down. Relaxing until I eventually die. I felt my life slip from me. I felt my eyes begin to shut. But I heard footsteps. Then I heard knocking. I could hear my brothers voice saying. "Aye is anybody in there?" I didn't answer I felt to weak. He then scoffed and barged in. I saw him but my vision was blurry. He screamed. And rushed over to me. "NO NO NO" he frantically said. I heard over footsteps come. My life was slipping away. I then saw my parent's horrified faces. Why were they shocked? Why was my brother crying? I thought they would be happy... "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS NO DONT LEAVE ME YET" my brother cried. He brought me to his chest. My breathe was gone I closed my eyes. Darkness consuming me. Last thing I heard was my parents on the phone crying calling 911.. And my brothers cries for me to stay with him. Before death finally consumed me. 

It was all dark. I felt like I was falling. What was happening? I opened my eyes. I saw the sky. I thought I died. I then realized I was falling from the sky.   

•Siren• Yandere dsmp x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें