
417 15 13

Trigger warning-self harm and violence and mentions of death plus blood
A bit of spice

Art not mine
Y/n was currently leading her team along with the kakashi team to the place where they last confronted the ninjas after them

Once arriving, they found the bodies gone only proof of there. Being a fight here was the cracks on the floors and the blood

"Man, this suck"y/n said shaking her head

"Oh come on, were the awesome fights you promised, kakashi sensei," Naruto said while pulling on his vest, swinging him back and forth

"Tsk what losers," neji commented while Sasuke side eyed him

Sakura raised her fist to hit Naruto but was calmed down by hinata and tenten

"Neji can you and hinata search for any ninja near us maybe they haven't gotten to far" y/n said commenting the last part to herself with a nod from hinata and a tsk from neji they complied and got to work while y/n and kakashi did a summoning

"Summoning justu."

"Summoning justu."

Pakkun and the scent frog from earlier appeared

"You summoned?"

"Yo boss,"

They both said before turning to look at each other. "What are you doing here? Don't you have some fleas to be fighting?" the toad said, shooking everyone

"Heh like your one to talk by the way I learn this very good dish call toad soup you should try it I thing you will find your parent's there" pakkun said having a smile on his face

Y/n stood still unable to process what just happened

'They hate each other? And damn my toad can really do some damage.' y/n thought shaking her head proudly

'So that were the frog went no wonder he was happy for a while' kakashi thought having a little flashback of pakkun bringing home two frogs and asking to keep them as pets and later asking kakashi for a toad food book

Shaking his head

'My dogs a killer, just like owner,' he thought, covering his mouth mid thought

"Hey guys I need a favor can yall trace the scent of the blood on this piece of hood" y/n asked picking up a piece of clothing y/n clone manged to rip from one of the ninjas from before

The toad spoke from nodding his head

"I can do it alone. You can send that flea bag back to where it came from," the toad said, taking the piece of clothing from y/n hand

Pakkun ignored him and walked to kakashi
"Can you summon the rest of the hound?" pakkun asked while kakashi nodded

"Hah, you can't even do a simple job alone," the toad said, making fun of pakkun

"Oh, this I could if I wanted to just that unlike you I got people to rely on," pakkun said, looking at the toad up and down

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