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"Sasuke I'm in point B"
"Sakura in point C"
"Y/n in point D" I said looking beside me for conformation kakashi sensei just nodded now we have to wait for naruto
"Naruto I'm in point A believe it"
"Naruto your late okay move out" kakashi sensei told us sounding a little tired of this we started to come closer to the cat but it started to run away until naruto caught "is the cat identified yet" kakashsi sensei said walking to them me following along " yes the cat has a red bow on it ear" I heard Sasuke say while seeing naruto fight for his life against the cat i quickly took him off and handed it to Sasuke while treating some of the cat scratches "IM SO TIRED OF THIS MISSION WHY DONT WE GET A REAL ONE" naruto suddenly screan hurting my ear and the others since we had microphones after that we started heading to the hokage office once there we gave the cat back to madame shijimi and wait to get our next mission "No I want to go on a real mission something challenging and exciting not this little kid stuff come on old man" naruto as always speaking his mind suddenly iruka start to yell at him about his placement I just ignore then and focused on what naruto was saying " and so I had this tamcacu ramen yesterday so I am trying thing miso today" " enough" the hokage suddenly yelled getting our attention I zoon out again think should I save them or leave the storyline. As it is I got snap out of think when a I heard yelling "I will show you who's the squirt" oh gosh it going to be quite a mission " team seven you are dismissed also y/n and kakashi stay behind" and with that the rest of the team left leaving us alone with the hokage and iruka " I want both of you to continue this mission no matter what and to investigate what his real motives are" the hokage said with all seriousness " understood" we both said and headed home to pack we met up with the other and started our way to the land of waves as soon as we left I felt the two brothers following us on the way Sakura started to ask questions about the land of the wave I just focused on my book until I felt a hand on head I looked up to see kakashi sensei smiling with one eye as usual I just rolled my eyes and closed my book the puddle was near us and I had to be on guard once we passed it the two brothers came out and shredded kakashi sensei to pieces "kakashi sensei" naruto was the first one to talk " now's you're turn" the brothers said heading straight for naruto injuring his arm in the process I quickly went to naruto and got into a defense position infront of him Sasuke was able to stop the two for a little bit of time before they got loose one heading for Sakura and the bridge builder and other for me and naruto suddenly sensei came out and knocked both of them out in a few seconds "hi" kakashi said holding both ninja down we tied them down and proceeded to get information from them we found out that they were hired to killed the bridge builder "well this is a interesting turn of events" kakashi then looked at the bridge builder "I believe we got to talk about something" he had a very serious face I definitely wouldn't want to be him right now I then focused on Sasuke and narutos conversation " are you alright scarycat" Sasuke of course pushing narutos buttons " IM NOT SCARED I JUST-" he started to move a lot until kakashi sensei told him about the poison in his wound and of course he stabbed it cause alot of blood to come out " well that cool and all but if you don't get that cover your going to die from blood loss" kakashi kindly informed him "ahhh y/n please help me I'm to young to die" he then started panicking even more "okay just calm down I quickly clean the wound and healed it making sure it was closed before I wrapped it "um very nicely done y/n" kakashi said rubbing my head in the process we continued walking until we got on the boat "if you want us to continue this job your going to have to tell us who's after you and why" kakashi stated I agreed even though I already knew why" well the land of waves is a very poor place a evil man can and rule over it" he started say " and who's this evil man you speak of?"
"Gato" I zoon out until he started to guilt trip us "but don't worry it won't be your fault" he said afterwards " well if you say so then I agree let leave him as soon as we arrive" I sad calmly looking up at him and smiling the rest sweat dropped I guess I really scared him because he started to beg us to stay Oops we continue on our way only this time naruto in the lead throwing shurikens at any little sound he stop when a little white rabbit pop out from a bush only to get yelled at Sakura for almost hitting it and apologizing too " weird it has a white coat" I commented hoping to warn them before hand suddenly we saw a sword coming at us " everyone to the ground" kakashi quickly said pulling me below him "well if it isn't zabusa from the hidden mist" kakashi then told us to get in a defensive position around the bridge builder both him and kakashi started fighting and in the meantime I formed some hand sigh to create a seal of teleportation once zabusa was close to me I quickly put it on him and quickly step further away from him I then waited for Sasuke and naruto famous scene together only this time the real naruto appear infront of zabusa and landed a clean hit that isn't supposed to happen in the anime once the fight had stop and the disguised anbu came and lefted with zabusa we head to the place we were stay along with having to carry a pasted out sensei along.

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