chapter 14: round 2-Gekko's

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a little bit later after the first round the PJ Masks have everything they need to save Luna

Owlette: ok we have everything ready to save Luna

Catboy: yep and we all know the plan

Gekko: yep now we just need to wait for the next round. he said as the TV came on

PJ Robot: contestants get ready for the next match. he said on the TV and showed Gekko's symbol

R-Gekko: cool I will give him the works. he said as he left with the red shirt

Gekko: I am next, well we are going to need to alter the plan a little

Catboy: how are we going to do that. he said as Armadylan came in (also they cane have a few people in their rooms with them if they want)

Armadylan: hey guys sorry to intrude but I wanted to make sure you are ready. he said and then Gekko got an idea

Gekko: yeah and it's a good thing you are here cause we could use your help with something

Armadylan: what. he asked as Gekko whispered in his ear the plan

A little bit later both Gekko's were in the ring and then PJ Robot came in the ring and spoke to a microphone

PJ Robot: now it's time for round two, in this corner, it's the strong green guy, and he was strong anyway cause he is made of metal it's Robo-Gekko. he said as a light shined on him and the heroes and villains booed him

PJ Robot: and in the other corner, its the green guy who is strong not only in strength but in heart too, it's Gekko. he said as a light shined on him and the heroes and villains cheered him on

PJ Robot: now a little reminder that both are wearing the same shirts that was worn in the first round, but they cane handle the change of powers. Also if Robo-Gekko wins this round then the Robo-Masks win it all. So now let the battle begin. he said followed by a bell

After the bell, Robo-Gekko charged at Gekko, but Gekko activated his shields and blocked him but the forced knocked him back a bit. (how this battle goes on from here for a bit I will leave up to you) Meanwhile, Owlette, Catboy, and Armadylan were watching the fight on the screen.

Catboy: seems Gekko is doing his part

Owlette: now we can do the plan

Armadylan: lets do this

After he said that both him and Catboy went to the vent in their room and entered it (lucky the vent was big enough for Armadylan to enter it without getting stuck) they kept going through the vent till the reached the vent in the Robo-Masks room and saw Robo-Catboy and Robo-Owlette watching the screen with Luna still tied up behind them

R-Owlette: our buddy is going to win for sure

R-Catboy: I am going to see this live and personal. he said as he left leaving Robo-Owlette in the room watching the screen

After Robo-Catboy left, Armadylan quickly and quietly opened the vent that was behind Luna and Catboy tied a rope around him and Armadylan lowered him down till he touched the floor (in the original plan, Gekko was supposed to lower Catboy, lucky Armadylan agreed to take his place) After Catboy untied himself, he showed himself to Luna with a finger over his mouth telling her to be quiet.

Catboy then quickly used his super speed to untied but he left the duck tape on her mouth and the two climbed back up the rope and then Armadylan put the vent back and they headed back to their room. Then Robo-Catboy came back in and saw Luna was gone.

R-Catboy: were is our prisoner

R-Owlette she is still tied up. she said as she turned around and saw she was gone

Back in the PJ's Room, when they got back Luna took the duck tape off her mouth and gave a breathe of happiness to have it off and to be away from them

Luna: thanks guys

Catboy: no problem. he said then Motsuki came in and then gave Luna a hug

Luna: hey Motsuki. she said as she returned the hug

Motsuki: Motsuki glad Luna is save. she said as she broke the hug and then did her EEP

Armadylan: now that is done I have to do something. he said as he left and the others stayed and watched the screen

While they save Luna, Gekko was keeping Robo-Gekko busy by making sure he is winning without making it too easy. Now Gekko looked and he saw Armadylan was back at his seat and that he made his arms a circle and Gekko saw the signal

Gekko: I believe it's time to finish

R-Gekko: so are you going to give up

Gekko: actually I am going to do this. he said as he activated his camouflage

R-Gekko: well what do you think about this. he said as he activated his camouflage (remember that their shirts they have to wear are also invisible)

R-Gekko: so what are you going to do now Gekko, you cant see me so how are you going to. he started but then got hit in the head by Gekko

R-Gekko: hey how did you do that I know you can't. he started but then got hit again by Gekko

R-Gekko: HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS. he screamed as Gekko hit him again

Gekko continued to hit him in many ways like tripped him, gave him an elbow, jumped on him, hit his head on the floor and others. The other heroes and villains still couldn't see them but when Gekko hit Robo-Gekko a think of air from the impact could be seen, so they got an idea of what is happening.

After a little bit, R-Gekko's camouflage deactivated  and he was on the floor a little beat up from Gekko. Gekko then deactivated his camouflage and then grabbed Robo-Gekko and lifted him up

Gekko: super super Gekko muscles. he said as he threw Robo-Gekko and he landed pass the barrier and an alarm sounded and PJ Robot came back in the ring

PJ Robot: the second round is over and the winner is the real Gekko. he said as the heroes and villains cheered, clapped and whistled for him

PJ Robot: the next round will begin in a little bit, so return to your rooms. he said as Gekko went to his room and Robo-Gekko got up and went to his room

That is it for this chapter. I was going to put more, but this is enough for now. So they managed to save Luna Girl and Gekko won the second round so the score right now is one point for both teams. Next time its the cat fight for the third round and Gekko will say how he did that when he couldn't see Robo-Gekko. Comment down below how you think the Catboy's fight will go and how you think Gekko managed to know where Robo-Gekko was even though he couldn't see him and/or his shirt. See you next time.

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