chapter 6: R-Amaya on the loose

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The Next day R-Conner woke up in Conner's house and R-Amaya woke up in Amaya's house after taking her place last night. Greg was the only real PJ Masks left and he had no idea what happened. After they got up the met each other in front of Conner's house and are now heading to school.

Greg: hey Amaya did you find anything out last night

R-Amaya: no nothing import

Greg: so you haven't figure out what was up with Conner for the past couple of days

R-Amaya: nope, nothing happened

Greg: ok

So the trio made it to school and in class R-Conner was doing mean things in class again

teacher: Conner I am starting to get annoyed doing this everyday, can you please stop doing these things

R-Conner: oh please being in your class in more boring than doing nothing. he said as people made shocked faces

teacher: what did you just say

R-Amaya: he said that doing nothing is less boring than being in this class, and I really agree with him. she said as everyone gasped hearing that

teacher: Amaya what was that about

R-Amaya: what you really can't handle the truth, also hearing your voice is worse than hearing nails on a chalk board. she said as the teacher was mad again

teacher: you two get out of my class and don't come back till you decide to stop this. he said in an anger and commanding voice as the two leave.

Later after school, the trio went to the park and Jenny and Marie went up to them

Marie: hey Amaya what was that is class, you are never like that

R-Amaya: what's it to you guys

Jenny: well it's just that you never acted like that and we are worried about you

R-Conner: she is fine you........things. he said as the two were shocked to hear that

Marie: that was a little uncalled for

R-Amaya: I guess that this is two

R-Amaya then jumped, spin, and then kicked the two away from then. After that the two girls left a little upset. Then R-Conner and R-Amaya laughed and high-fived each other. Greg saw that and decided to get some help.

Greg: hey guys, I just remembered that my mom needs my help. he said as he left

After Greg left them, he didn't go home, he went to the library and lucky for him he found Newton reading a book and he went to him

Greg: hey Newton

Newton: hey Greg, where are Amaya and Conner

Greg: actually that is what I want to talk about

Newton: what's up

Greg: it's just they aren't acting like themselves anymore, they are saying mean things, doing mean things and they seem to be denying stuff

Newton: you know a few night ago, Catboy came to me and then he tied me up with his stripes and then laughed and left me tied up. he said in a whisper so people doesn't hear that

Greg: he did that, we need to check on them at night to see what they do. he said as newton agreed

Greg and Newton: PJ Masks were on our way, into the night to save the day. they said in whisper

That night R-Catboy and R-Owlette changed and went to do things, while Gekko and Newton Star secretly followed them. As the night went on Gekko and Newton Star saw R-Catboy and R-Owlette being mean to villains and other heros (mainly Armadylan) and Gekko and Newton Star couldn't believe it

Gekko: I can't believe that Catboy and Owlette are doing these things

Newton Star: there is a possibility that these are imposters

Gekko: possibly, but what is an imposter again

Newton Star: an imposter is someone who says and/or pretends to be someone they are not

Gekko: Owlette did say something like that before she acted like this

Newton Star: maybe we should talk to them tomorrow night and find out

Gekko: good idea. he said before they left

what Gekko and Newton star didn't know is that R-Catboy and R-Owlette were nearby and they heard everything from when Newton Star said them being imposters

R-Catboy: seems the green guy is catching on to us

R-Owlette: seems we should get him tomorrow night

R-Catboy: but what about the space guy he is catching on us too

R-Owlette: lets worry about the lizard first, then we can deal with the space kid

R-Catboy: ok, I hope robo-Gekko is ready to go

R-Owlette: I bet he is, she said as they both evilly laughed and walked away

That's it for this chapter. R-Owlette is now ruining Amaya's reputation and now they are after Gekko who is on them. Comment down below if you think Gekko will get caught like the others or not. See you later.

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