chapter 15: round 3-Catboy's

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coming off last chapter, Gekko won the second round against Robo-Gekko and now both are returning to their rooms

in the Robo-Masks room

R-Catboy: way to go buddy. he said as Robo-Gekko entered

R-Owlette: you waisted our chance to win the whole thing

R-Gekko: we still have the third round

R-Catboy: how did the real lizard tell where you were even though you were invisible

R-Gekko: I don't know

in the PJ Masks room

when Gekko entered Catboy, Owlette, and Armadylan gave him hugs and high fives

Catboy: nice job Gekko

Armadylan: you managed to win

Owlette: but how did you get him if you didn't see him

Gekko: well it was lucky for me that he talks too much, so all I had to do was listen then hit where the sound was coming from

Armadylan: nice strategy

Gekko: so I guess that you guys did your side well too

Owlette: well you can tell for yourself

Gekko was a little confused then he suddenly got hugged from behind him that scared him a bit. Then he saw that he was getting hugged by Luna Girl with a bug smile on her face. Gekko then turned around and returned the hug and a little bit later they gave each other a quick kiss on the lips

Gekko: glad you are ok, and happy to see you again

Luna Girl: so am I

Catboy, Owlette, and Armadylan were watching them happy (Motsuki left when Armadylan did and is still in her seat) a little bit later the TV came on

PJ Robot: final contestants get ready for your match. he said on the tv and showed Catboy's symbol

R-Catboy: now I am going to win this whole thing. he said leaving with the red shirt

Catboy: this will be interesting. he said leaving with the green shirt

A little bit later both Catboy's were ready and PJ Robot got in the ring with a microphone

PJ Robot: now it's time for the third round. In this corner, we have the metal leader of his team who you could call a speed demon it's Robo-Catboy. he said as a light shined on him and the audience booed

PJ Robot: and in the other corner, it's the leader of the team we all know and love, but maybe not all of us agree on that, it's Catboy. he said as a light shined on him and the audience cheered

PJ Robot: now to say that both are wear in the same shirts as the other rounds and at this point both teams have one point so it's anyone's win. So let the battle begin. he said followed by a bell

Catboy and Robo-Catboy then used their speed and ran fast and continuously hit each other (though going fast, the audience could see a little bit of air when they hit each other). They kept it up for a bit till Robo-Catboy did the whole stick your foot out and trip someone trick sending Catboy to the floor and Robo-Catboy on him pinning him

R-Catboy: we know you managed to get the moon girl from us

Catboy: you really though we were going to wait till this whole thing was over to save her did you

Catboy then used his speed and hit Robo-Catboy's stomach a lot of times that sent him flying back quite a ways. Then Catboy went and pinned him

R-Catboy: you made your Gekko lose so you could get the moon girl did you

Catboy: maybe we did or maybe we didn't

Robo-Catboy then used the same thing Catboy did and sent him flying but he managed to land on his feet then he used his stripes to tie Robo-Catboy up

R-Catboy: I knew we would lead to this

Robo-Catboy then used his speed and turned and got him untied then he used his stripes and tied Catboy up

Catboy: I can do that too

Catboy then did the same thing Robo-Catboy did and got himself untied and then he and Robo-Catboy just stood and looked at each other

R-Catboy: how about we finish this

Catboy: I couldn't agree more

Catboy and Robo-Catboy then used their speed and spun around in a circle (both are going the smae way in the same circle) and they made like a tornado (lucky the audience weren't too close to get affected by it in anyway) and after a while they got lifted by the tornado still running and then they bounced off the powerful tornado and flew to each other and both punched each other in the face

After they hit each other the force of the hit was enough that they both got sent out of the tornado (which made the tornado disappear) and back a lot and both landed passed the barrier and both alarms went off. PJ Robot then looked at the footage of them going pass the barrier (cause he recorded the fight/barrier in case this was going to happen) and after a while PJ Robot entered the ring and spoke into the microphone

PJ Robot: I looked at the footage to see who passed the barrier first and I looked at it in super slow motion and in great detail and the result of this round is . he stopped at dramatic music played for a few seconds

PJ Robot: both Catboy and Robo-Catboy passed the barrier at the same time. he said as both the Catboy's and the audience were shocked

PJ Robot: lucky I prepared for this, their will be one final round and it will be all three masks against each other so in a little bit we will begin the final round. he said as both Catboy's went to their rooms

That's it for this chapter. In the third round both Catboy's passed the barrier at the same time making it a tie in this round and points. Next time it will be the final round were the three masks go against each other (and I changed it by adding stuff from an episode from one of my favorite seasons from it's huge series).

Comment down below if you had a feeling something like this was going to happen and I will find it interesting if you can guess the season from the series I added to the next chapter. If I have it right, there are five more parts in this left, then I can start my next story where the PJ Masks will do another team up. More information on who they are teaming up with will come later. See you then.

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