chapter 11: challenged

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We now go back a little bit. After Motsuki got her instructions from Luna Girl she went to look for someone, and then she found the heroes (Newton Star, Armadylan, and An Yu) and went to them

Motsuki: hey guys. she said as she appeared in front of them

Newton Star: what's up Motsuki

Motsuki: me and Luna found a cat and bird talking and Luna told me to get you while she checks them out

An Yu: ok lead us to them. she said as they followed her

Meanwhile a little bit away, The real PJ Masks just got out of the sewer and stretched some more and breathed in the fresh air since they had to breathe sewer air for a few days

Catboy: man it sure is nice to be out of the sewer

Owlette: and to breathe in fresh air again

Gekko: so now we should find someone and tell them what is happening

They agreed on that and just when they were about to look for someone they saw Newton Star, An Yu, Armadylan, and Motsuki and while they were happy to see them, the others were thinking something else

Gekko: well that didn't take long

Catboy: boy we are happy to see you guys. he said as they started to walk to them

Armadylan: hold it right there you imposters. he said as the PJ Masks stopped and gave surprised faces

Owlette: guys we are not the Robo-Masks, we are the real ones

An Yu: so the fakes are called the Robo-Masks, thanks for the info but we are not buying

Catboy: but its the truth

Newton Star: save it, get them

After that they went to get them (Armadylan to Catboy, An Yu to Owlette and Motsuki to Gekko) and while they were trying to get them, the PJ Masks kept trying to tell them that they are real, but they still didn't believe them. Then after a little bit they managed to get the PJ Masks on the floor with them on top holding them down, then Newton Star came in front of them.

Newton Star: now tell us where the real PJ Masks are

Gekko: we have been trying to tell you, we are the real ones

Newton Star: ok to prove it is true, I will ask you a question the real PJ Masks should know

Owlette: that won't work the Robo-Masks read our minds so they should know too

Newton Star: ok thanks for some more info, but I am still not sure if your the real ones

Motsuki: well maybe they can tell us what you did to Luna. she said as Gekko got wide eyes

Gekko: Luna, what did happen to her, did the Robo-Masks get her. he said worried and Newton Star opened his eyes a little bit more

Newton Star: ok guys you can let them go they are the real ones

Armadylan: how do you know

Newton Star: because Gekko got worried about his love, and I don't think the robot version would be like that and since he was with the others they are real too. he said as they let them stand up and the heroes gave each other a group hug

An Yu: its nice to have the real you back

Catboy: yeah its nice to be back

Owlette: so can you tell us what happened

So the other heroes and motsuki told them what happened from when Newton Star noticed to the heroes and villains temporary team up, which the PJ Masks joined in too. Then they all went and entered HQ (they even let Motsuki in, cause she told she wouldn't touch anything, which she kept her promise) and the PJ Robot saw them and were happy to see them again and he gave them a hug

PJ Robot: nice to see you guys again

Gekko: you too PJ Robot

Catboy: now lets see if we can find the Robo-Masks and/or Luna Girl

Catboy and Owlette used the picture player to find the Robo-Masks (Catboy) and/or Luna Girl (Owlette)

Catboy: no sign of the Robo-Masks, how about you Owlette

Owlette: no sign of Luna Girl either. she said as Gekko and Motsuki got worried

Newton Star: where did they go

????:maybe I can help you

Everyone heard that and then looked at the TV and saw Robo-Catboy on the screen with Robo-Gekko and Robo-Owlette behind him a ways

R-Catboy: I see the animals got out of the cage

Catboy: get off our TV. he said in an angry and commanding voice as everyone approached it

R-Catboy: sure after you hear me out

Owlette: what do you want

R-Catboy: easy we want the PJ Masks to deal with us to see who is better

Gekko: so like a fight

R-Catboy: exactly

Catboy: forget it we are not doing that. he said as Gekko and Owlette agreed with it

R-Catboy: I had a feeling you would say that so we have a way to make you

Robo-Catboy then stepped aside and everyone gasped when they saw that in between Robo-Gekko and Robo-Owlette was Luna Girl tied to a chair and had duck tape on her mouth.

Everyone: LUNA GIRL

R-Catboy: yep we have her as our prisoner. he said as he came back on screen

Gekko: you are going to pay for this

R-Catboy: then accept our offer and she won't get hurt. he said as the PJ Masks grouped up

Owlette: I say we do it

Catboy: are you sure they may not go easy

Gekko: but if we don't they may hurt Luna

Catboy: fine but we get some demands

they stayed huddled up for a bit longer then they broke up and faced Robo-Catboy

Catboy: ok Robo-Catboy we will do it but we have some demands

R-Catboy: and what are they

Gekko: A-you don't hurt Luna at all

Owlette: two-you do this with no help from others

Catboy: and D-we decide on where this takes place and what happens

R-Catboy: deal, we will all see who is the better team. he said as the Robo-Masks gave an evil laugh and turned the TV off

That's it for this chapter. The PJ Masks have joined the hero and villain alliance and have agreed to face the Robo-Masks in battle. The next five chapters will be the battle. The first will be how it goes down, and the other four will be the battles. Comment down below how you think the fight will happen. See you next time.

PJ Masks VS Robo-MasksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang