chapter 10: escape

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The villains and the other heroes besides the PJ Masks just teamed up and are now outside the library talking about what they do now.

Newton Star: I think for now we split up see if we can find the PJ Masks or the fakes. he said as everyone agreed

so they split up like this heroes, ninjas, wolves, moon girls, squid and plant, Romeo and pharaoh, and ETC

Meanwhile back in the sewer, Catboy and Owlette tried a lot of stuff to get Gekko up but nothing worked

Catboy: well what ever the robots gave him, they gave him a big dose of it

Owlette: it looks like we will have to wait till he get up on his own. she said then making a sad face

Catboy: what's up Owlette

Owlette: I am just thinking of what the Robo-Masks are doing right now and how we are going to explaining to the day time people about what happened without revealing ourselves

Catboy: I am sure that Newton Star, An Yu, and Armadylan are going to figure it out and we can worry about the day time later. he said and when he finished Gekko started to wake up

Gekko: oh my head. he said holding his head sitting up

Owlette: Gekko your ok. she said as Gekko got away from them thinking they are the Robo-Masks

Gekko: your not getting me again

Catboy: Gekko what are you doing it's us your friends

Gekko: I am still not buying it, and I have a way of making sure of it, but the imposters already know it

Owlette: you can just ask us Gekko

Gekko: ok, before this whole thing happened, you two made me a promise, what is the promise

Catboy and Owlette were thinking of what the promise he is talking about was but they can't remember it

Catboy: sorry Gekko but I can't remember what the promise was. he said as Owlette agreed then Gekko gave them a hug

Gekko: it really is you guys. he said as the two hug him back

Owlette: how did you know we are real, we didn't remember it

Gekko: because you didn't promise me anything

Catboy: we are really confused

Gekko: I did this to the fakes and they answered it right away about making no promise

Owlette: so how exactly did you know

Gekko: basically when a friends tells you that you made a promise your instinct is to believe them, and you wonder if you forgot it, also I could tell you were being honest in your answer and not lying about it

Catboy: cool, well now that we are back together again how do we get out of here without using our powers

Gekko: well how about trying the key on the table next to us

Catboy and Owlette then looked at the table next to them and they saw a key that is half on and half off the table

Owlette: how did you know that was there

Gekko: after the fakes but me in here, I woke up for a bit and saw the fake me put the key there, then got knocked out again

Catboy then squeezed his tail inbetween the bars and just managed to get his tail throught the hole that was in the key and brought it through the bars. Then Owlette grabbed it from Catboy's tail and put it in the lock and unlocked the cage and they got out and stretcher cause they couldn't stand in the cage

Catboy: now to test something. he said then used his speed to run around the sewer for a bit then went back to their friends

Catboy: yep our powers are back so now we can get out of here. he said as they made for the exit

while all that went on, Luna Girl and Motsuki were looking around then they found who could be Catboy and Owlette talking to each other.

Luna Girl: Motsuki go tell the others, I will see what they are doing. she said as Motsuki left and she got a little closer

R-Owlette: so what is next

R-Catboy: now we have to put the next part of the plan into action

R-Owlette: and those useless heroes and villains will soon be kneeling and begging for mercy. she said as they did an evil laugh and Luna Girl didn't like that

Luna Girl: there is no way I will do that in front of you, she said as she showed herself

R-Catboy: well what do we have here, a little spy. he said as Robo-Gekko appeared behind her and grabbed her

Luna Girl: you, you were the one who told me you didn't love me, not the real one. she said trying to get out of his grip with no success

R-Gekko: your no Einstein are ya, so what do we do with her

R-Owlette: I say we give her a big beating

R-Catboy: no, I have a better idea of what to do with her

R-Gekko: and what would that be

R-Catboy: I bet the PJ Masks wouldn't just cooperate with us, but maybe they will if they have a reason to do it. he said looking at Luna

Robo-Owlette and Robo-Gekko started to get where Robo-Catboy was going and Luna was not so excited about what they were planning

That's it for this chapter. The PJ Masks managed to escape the cage but now Luna Girl fell into the Robo-Masks hands. I was going to have this chapter and the next chapter into the same chapter but that would be a long chapter and I am lazy. Comment down below on what you think the Robo-Masks are going to use Luna Girl for to force the PJ Masks into doing it. Find out next time.

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