chapter 4: R-Conner has some fun

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The next morning came and Amaya and Greg woke up with no idea of what happened last night. R-Conner got up in Conner's bed with an evil smile on his face

R-Conner: it's about time the morning came, time to have some fun. he said with an evil smile

R-Conner came out of Conner's house and met up with Amaya and Greg in front of Conner's house

Amaya and Greg: hey Conner

R-Conner: hey

(as a reminder there is no way to tell it was a robot it perfectly looks like him, it perfectly sounds like him, and no robot parts were sticking out)

the trio then got to school and during class the teacher was having some trouble teaching over some noise like burps, farts and crumpling paper after a little bit he saw that it was R-Conner and went to him

teacher: Conner can you please stop making noises during class

R-Conner: I don't know doing it is more fun than listening to you. he said in a relaxing voice putting his feet on the table

teacher: well I want you to fix this attitude and get your feet of the table. he said in a little mad and commanding voice

R-Conner did it but a few minutes later he started to draw instead of listening. So the teacher went to him again and took the picture, looked at it to see a picture of him with a bubble that says control freak with a arrow pointing at him

teacher: Conner what is this about

R-Conner: what you can't handle the truth. he said as the others in the classroom except the teacher gasped, and Greg and Amaya did it more cause they were more shocked

teacher: listen here young man one more thing like this and your out, I did a lot to get this job and you should show respect

R-Conner: oh you have a nice job

teacher: your right I do. he said as he started to walk away

R-Conner: boss over nothing. he said out loud as everyone gasped again and the teacher hits his limit

teacher: that is it go to the president's office. he said in a angry voice

R-Conner: sure, it beats being in this place. he said as he left

later lunch time came and Greg and Amaya were at a table wondering about why Conner was like that during class. later R-Conner sat down next to him.

Greg: are you ok Conner

R-Conner: fine why

Amaya: you never acted like that in class and get sent to the president's office

R-Conner: I know that's why I never went to him, after I left I went and did some fun things

Greg: Conner did anything happen last night cause you weren't like this yesterday

R-Conner: nothing happened I checked, no villain's so I went home

As they continues to talk Cameron came up to R-Conner

Cameron: hey Conner, I like what you did in class, so are you thinking of being more like me

R-Conner: maybe what's it too ya. he said as he got up

Cameron: it's just that you seemed to have changed your mind about how you act to people

R-Conner: yeah and what about it pin head. he said as he gave Cameron a hard slap on the head

As R-Conner kept going at Cameron, Greg and Amaya talked secretly in whisper

Greg: something is up with him

Amaya: yeah, but what could it be

Greg: maybe you should talk to him, you are his girlfriend

Amaya: yeah I will do that

later school was over and Greg went home and Amaya was left with R-Conner so she decided to talk to him

Amaya: hey Conner can we talk

R-Conner: what

Amaya: are you sure nothing happened last night, you can tell me

R-Conner: I told you nothing happened last night. he said as he started to walk away

Amaya: I know something happened last night cause this is not you, please tell me what happened. she said after she went to him and hugged him

R-Conner: leave me alone. he said as he made her let go of him and then pushed her making her fall

Amaya: Conner what was that. she said a little shock about what happened

R-Conner: what happened is you stuck your nose where it shouldn't be, so now leave me alone

Amaya: but I'm your girlfriend

R-Conner: you really believe that, well news flash I was just lying, I never felt a thing for you, I was just playing with your heart. he said as Amaya was shocked to hear it getting up

Amaya: fine if you want it that way. she said in a mad mood running away crying as R-Conner just stood there giving an evil smile

later that night Amaya, Greg and R-Conner changed and went to HQ and then they left for patrol going two ways, R-Catboy going on way on his legs, and Owlette and Gekko going the other way in the Gekko-mobile. 

R-Catboy: time for some night time fun

R-Catboy went around and did mean things to villains like pushing Luna Girl and Motsuki into a fountain, crushing Orticia's planty's, and tying up other villains with his stripes. He was also being mean to hero's like taking An Yu's staff and hitting her with it, made Armadylan dizzy, and tied Newton Star up.

Meanwhile Owlette and Gekko didn't know what R-Catboy was doing and talking about what happened when Owlette talked to him

Gekko: he said that

Owlette: yeah, and I can't believe he was just kidding about loving me

Gekko: I can't believe that, I know he loves you. he said as he stopped the Gekko-mobile

Owlette: you know I am starting to believe something. she said as she got out of the Gekko-mobile

Gekko: what's that. he said also getting out of the Gekko-mobile

Owlette: I am starting to believe that maybe this isn't Catboy

Gekko: why do you say that

Owlette: cause we know Catboy he is not all of what happened so maybe the Catboy we are seeing is someone else

Gekko: possibly, but I don't know

Owlette was about to continue when R-Catboy showed up from behind Owlette without knowing that he heard their conversation from when Owlette said that maybe this isn't Catboy

R-Catboy: what you guy's talking about. he said surprising Owlette and Gekko

Owlette: we were just talking about not seeing any villains tonight

Catboy: I didn't see any either, so you guy's can go home, I have to quickly check something and then I will go home myself

Gekko: ok. he said as he and Owlette got into the Gekko-mobile and drove off. When they were out of eye sight, R-Catboy got on his communicator and called his team

R-Catboy: robo-Owlette you their

R-Owlette: yeah how's it going

R-Catboy: good but a bird is starting to suspect something

R-Owlette: so tomorrow night I get to start some fun

R-Catboy: exactly. he said following by an evil laugh from both of them

That's it for this chapter. The longest in this this story yet. So R-Catboy has been doing mean things and ruining Conner's reputation in the day and night. Now Owlette suspects something and is now targeted by the Robo-Masks. Comment below what you think of my story so far. See you next time.

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